Wisconsin Dells Events from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (2024)

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8 4 INGLEHART INGLEHART Kilboum Get your to Order ft lately with Get Dressed for A are from fath has by We are ready to take your order for tailor made suits uves on me rraine Monday DELTON The Ladies Aid society met Notice Having sold out my hardware busi ness all parties indebted to the firm of Van Alstifte are hereby notified that settlement of same must be made on or before April 1st 1 9 1 or the account wilLbe' placed in the hands of an at torney for collection Call at the office Kilbouri) Machine Co and settle VanAJstine KESLER Resident Dentist i Kilboum Wiring Call and see me before doing your wir ing or buying KILBOURN WISCONSIN A or your Parlor Tables Pedestals Also the Dan Dee Cldthes Hanger Especially designed for home and office MRS WARNER OPTICIAN At Werner store Kilbourn Wis ould Have Cort Him His Life Oscar Bowman Lebanon Ky writes: have'psed Kidney Remedy and take5 great pleasure in stating it cured jne permanently of kidney disease which certainly would have cost me my Stuelke drug store WILLIAM SWEET ATTORNEY' AT LAW Abstracts Loans Collections De Can save you 10 per cent on abstracts Office Days: Kilboum: ridays Saturdays Mondays riendship: Tuesdays Wednesdays and ridays Office in Un tiairi next tn new Lank entrance onbunenor street I City Livety BRUSHNAN BROS irst class rigs of every style Rigs' for parties drivers whdn desired Hacks Buses Hearse and uneral Carriages Tel No 18 Opposite ountain Square KILBOURN WIS a i a ft 7 1 Highest Cash Price fqr Hogs Cattle Etc KILBOURN WISCONSIN NOYCE SMITH! Resident Dentist Office over Bauer Drug' Store 7 Kilbourn Wis Oldest livery in this section of the state irst class rigs with or without drivers Hearses and carriages for funerals Parties taken to resorts or towns in this vicir ity hacks and busses to train Bing er Proprietor KILBOURN WISCONSIN No Need to Advertise lour The fact that it is the most generally used and best liked 'is proof of its excellence Everything in the line df'feedand prices always thc lowest Ask your neighbor about the bread he makes from this flour and where he buys his feed STATE' COUNTY COURT OR COLUMBIA COUNTY IN PROBATE: Notice it hereby given That at a tegular term of the county court to be held in and for "Said county court fiouiernTthe' cijy of in said county on the first Tuesday oApnl A' 910 clock a the following mat ter will be heard and considered: The application of Martha Jenson the execu trix of the last will of Osmond Jenson late of the towa of Newport in said eounty deceased for the settlement of her final account such executrix 'which account is now on file in stud court' and fot'the issignment of the residue of said estate to those entitled thereto also for the construction of the'will of said deceased Dated eb 18? 1910' By order of the court 'A Kellog Judge Dougherty Atty GOTO Jr A Big Spring and Summer School that will prepare teachert high and common school graduates and first second ahd third year high school pupils for fine office positions at handsome salaries jThe work during these sessions will be fightand pleasant the time required from 12 to 24 weeks More per sonal instruction and assistance than can be given during the winter months with fight airy rooms cooled by electric fans and breeze from the beautiful Wisconsin river make this" the ideal time to attend Terms begin March 4 but students may enter at any' later date Schoo! in session throughout the summer Write us now for' special free information State what studies you want and about when you couldbegin: ine Civil Service courses 7 Stoiy S' GpllegeRortage Wisconsin The friends of Mrs Geo Harrington made a bee and left ber a nice pile of wood Mr and Mrs Roy Burgdorf of Jonesville were guests at A recently Rev and Mrs Deans 'of riendship called on Eastcn People last week Wtn Reichoff and son Will were at riendship the first of the week Costs no more and gives you an advantage in choosing style and color DOUGHERTY Attorney at Law Law Collections and Insurance KILBOURN WIS Wm Latham 1 BAUER has resumed the management of his market on Superior street run by Wohlfert Wirtz He will conduct irst Glass Meat Market having constantly on hand all kinds of Choice resh and Smoked Meats Sausage Etc Highest cash market price paid for cattle hogs and poultry WM Schultz Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal Work and Repairing Samples of Bath Room ixtures in stock at all times Come and See Them Second stery Snider block Phone 67 2 rings 'WANSj EorMen BbixS Clothing Kilbourn KILBOURN HOSPITAL POSTOHCE BLOCK Medical or Surgical cases cared fnr er practica! nurse furhishedV Niglit Calls Attended DR7c EWINTERMUTE' TeL VgdCoun A 4 IT WHITE CREEK Dr Echternecht was at riendship Monday to examine applicants fotHhe A lodge there i John Mcarlin of Lincoln warin town riday accompanied" hfilfift' jby his sister Mary Dan Morley's wood saw has been busy here for several days leaving fine piles of Wood for a number of our neighbors The Christian Endeavor society of riendship were here last riday night and gave the play at Dunn's hall There was a good attend ance and all enjoyed the play Our jjband furnished music There Wks a dance at Pederson hall last riday night Miss Ethel Greenwood of riendship visited at A Saturday Miss Rose Hatcher is visiting friends in Minneapolis Charlie osse recently visited his mother in ond du Lac Elmer VanWie returned from a trip' to Montana Saturday He contemplates moving there in the near future NORTH DELLONA A Ihde has returned from a visit with relatives in Dixon III Miss Edna Crothers returned home Tuesday after a visit with her sister Mrs Berry Misses Ella and Adeline Stein were Reedsburg visitors last Tuesday Mr and Mrs John Goman are still in Minnesota where they were called by the serious illness of his brother John Kreigle of Big Spring is sawingwood here this week The Misses Stein jre moving to Bara boo where they will establish a board ing house in a place recently purchased by their father DELL PRAIRIE Mr and Mrs Norm Nelson And daughters visited at Hungerford's Tuesday rank Gibson and family visited with Holihans family last Sunday Murphy andC Platt each lost a cow recently Miss Ethel Sayer attended the party at last riday night Gibson and wife visjted rela hvja Protein IiIar A Nebls Tailor and Clothier KiIbournrWis Reliable Laundry Work Laundry sent every Wednesday to the GEM STEAM LAUNDRY at Baraboo Leave work and orders ar barber shop of VANALSTINE Kilboum JOHN BAUER Broadway Meat Market I I resh Smoked and Salted Meats Poultry and ish in Stfon ausages a specialty 1 1 IWH 111 Ri'iHiffi Inii II I IW Reliable G6b(Jsz Eyerybody knows whereto girt the' most reliable goods for the most particular 1 77 As usual we have everything We supplied for many years td'sajTT' that we hold ttf that in Groceries: Pric never vary from the uniform safe price for honest goods and all seasons we' Sell at Bottom igures Sefe our new stocks of Glassware Crock ery Shoes' Notions Underwear Etc JP SOELDNER KILBOURN The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs Chaffee last Thursday afternoon Born to Mr and Mrs A Rey nolds March I sta daughter raser of Sioux City Iowa Mrs ler of Kilbourn were called here by the illness of their father raser who died at his home here March 14 at the age of 89 years Small has moved here fftpm air field and lives in what is know as the Haskin Rouse The wood saw has been heard about the village the past week Otto Timme lost a valuable cow re cently Gifford is on the sick list severe attack ol Erysipelas PLAINVILLE Manis departed for Superior last Monday for an indefinite time Otto Ehler and family left Wednes day for Dakota where they will make their home Warren Walter has rented hiT place to Heco*cks Mr and Mrs Wolcott are spending the week at riendship and Arkdale 1 A Walker and Edmonds spent part pt last week at Madison Hubbard of Dell Prairie moyed on the place formerly owned JLSilyer Mrs Jasper Oakes is very sick Warren Walker and danohier staying at Mrs for a short time Miss Celia spending her vacation at home Ed "and May Douglas attended the funeral of Mr Butler at Poynette last week We will soon commence work in the cemetery and will ask once more those who ire interested there and have not contributed to give something to one of the officers of the improvement society BIG SPRING' Heberlein and Russell were in Madison last riday on business The Surveyors are at work again lay ing out a route for the electric railway which is expected to go near Big Spring Evans is stQI in very poof health' Mis's Mary Doppe of Portiers' work mg at Mrs1 Leila Hindes who at present has twelve boarders 2 SPRING IS UPON US I you are doubtless considering some improvement in your '4 A home NOW is the time to let us wire and equip your "I house for I ELECTRICITY i sus raproved methods you are inconvenienced but I little Call in and see us about it or have our representative 2 call and see you 7 5 Tull line of electrical onjihand at all timfcs 27 Special prices every Saturday on different articles 1 Complete electrie light and power plants' installed in anys town: 1 i''X Northern Electric' Const Co? fXXr CONTRACTORS 2 'TII'1ac Rmlrlinrr ilLzMim Completp Line Electrical Supplies 'J 7 7 5 te fi Ct I I Mis Alma Schult? of Lewiston is spending a few days with' Mrs Archie Mrs Amelia Hvalt is slowlv' improv ing in healths a Sullivan this weelcT' rPr' Whitmore has moved from the Landt farm to Mrs Eighme's place south of Big Spring Our winter term of school closed last week NEWPORT Misses Della Mayme Ada and Myrtle Nelson Myrtle Stomner and Til lie Anderson were home from Kilbourn to spend Saturday and Sunday The farmers around here are busy hauling potatoes to Cheney Last Saturday evening a farewell party was given in honor of Alfred Tof son at the home of his mother Mrs Martin Tofson In spite of the bad con HlttATT Al rx I young'pejpfe were present Dancing 'ELECTRICI'AT wm uiuwgcu in dim uaniiy reircsnmenis i A1t 'r were served A number of vocal and AU kinds of electrical goods instrumental selections were furnished bv done on short notice Rudolph Thompson All report a very pleasant time Mr Tofson expects to leave ror Canada this Week EASTON Mrs Eddy wa called Illinois by the serious illness of her er Amos Brown rank Stone family were guests at Henry Sunday Hatjje Engnath has gone to Jonesville to spend a few weeks at Rev Deans held nervices here Mon day night Mrs Dean sang a solo Miss Laura Neff who has been quite sick is getting better Mt and Mrs Bunnell nnd daughter Sadie of Little Lake visited Mrs Bun nctts niece Mrs Ed Brwn recently Mrs Nancy Babco*ck has been help ing to care for her mother Mrs Lan phere who is rick Hoan of riendship was a busi ness visitor at a few days ago The young people gave Ray Garth wait a surprise party riday night it be ing his birthday Mr and Mrs rank Witt of White Creek spent Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs Geo Neff Elmer VanWie returned hotpe jhe west Saturday While on bis trip visited Roy Trumble and family He seems to think the west is all right John Schoonover had the misfortune Io lose one of his best cows found her dead when he went to the barn in the Waldo of Wellheld and Mr8 ow morning Portag I if id1 I 'O 0 1 1 The Dells Livery Ml 's g5 I I I I ztla I I HMvAn I 1 i VjE RYii.

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Wisconsin Dells Events from Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (2024)


What is the mystery spot in Wisconsin? ›

A popular side trip for visitors to nearby Wisconsin Dells, the Wonder Spot was advertised as a place "where the laws of natural gravity seem to be repealed." Visitors walked down a ravine into a cabin, where seemingly no one could stand up straight, water flowed backwards, and chairs could be balanced on two legs.

How many days should you stay at Wisconsin Dells? ›

Your three days in Wisconsin Dells will leave you deliciously exhausted and thoroughly entertained. Call us today and have our experienced staff help you plan your next vacation to Wisconsin Dells by sharing some of the best things to do in Wisconsin Dells this weekend! The area is great during any season!

How much does top secret cost in Wisconsin Dells? ›

Come discover what we have uncovered in Wisconsin Dells. Our archaeological dig is open to the public year round! Top Secret daily passes can only be purchased at the Main Ticket Booth at Top Secret. The price for each daily pass is $5 plus tax per adult or child.

What is new in Wisconsin Dells in 2024? ›

New Attractions & Accommodations

Olympus Water & Theme Park will open America's tallest waterslide, “The Rise of Icarus,” in summer 2024. This colorful structure sports five different spiraling body slides, the highest of which is 145 ft.! Mt. Olympus is also adding an outdoor children's play area, its largest to date.

Is the Mystery Spot story real? ›

Explanation. The Mystery Spot is a gravity hill, tilt-induced visual illusion. The illusion experienced by visitors results from the oddly tilted environment as well as standing on a tilted floor. Inside the tilted room, misperceptions of the height and orientation of objects occur.

Where was the Wonder Spot in Wisconsin Dells? ›

Where was the Wonder Spot located? The Wonder Spot was just off U.S. Highway 12 – the main drag between Lake Delton and Wisconsin Dells. It was easy to spot the large black-and-white sign that led travelers into the depths of the Lake Delton forest.

What is the best month to go to Wisconsin Dells? ›

On average there are three months where Wisconsin Dells receives the most visitors going on a Wisconsin Dells, WI vacation. These are March, July, and October in that order. Those months represent the peak of the three seasons where this Midwest destination offers its best attractions.

How much money should you bring to Wisconsin Dells? ›

A one week trip to Wisconsin Dells usually costs around $996 for one person and $1,993 for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing. A two week trip to Wisconsin Dells on average costs around $1,993 for one person and $3,985 for two people.

What is so special about Wisconsin Dells? ›

The Wisconsin Dells is “The Waterpark Capital of the World®” for good reason having America's largest outdoor water park (Noah's Ark), the country's largest indoor/outdoor combination waterpark (The Wilderness Resort) and the state's largest indoor waterpark (Kalahari Resorts & Conventions).

How much is the upside down house in Wisconsin Dells? ›

Somehow, someway the White house has been turned upside down and no, Trump had nothing to do with it. It only costs five dollars a person to walk through rooms with furniture on the ceiling and down dark corridors representing the secret tunnels of the WH.

How much does it cost to go to Wisconsin Dells waterpark? ›

Waterpark Hours & Prices

Day passes may be available for purchase based upon availability for a price of $49.99; please call to learn if day passes are available on dates you wish to visit. To ensure you have reserved access to the waterpark, it is recommended to purchase an overnight stay or package.

How long is the Wisconsin Dells Ghost Tour? ›

What lurks inside? Take an eerie, 1.5-hour journey with us, and find out. You'll depart via haunted boat ride, navigating the jet-black waters of the river while hearing tales of lost spirits and ghostly apparitions that haunt the wild places of the Dells.

What is Wisconsin most famous for? ›

Wisconsin is one of the nation's leading dairy producers and is known as "America's Dairyland"; it is particularly famous for its cheese. The state is also famous for its beer, particularly and historically in Milwaukee, most notably as the headquarters of the Miller Brewing Company.

Is Wisconsin Dells expensive to live? ›

Wisconsin Dells's housing expenses are 31% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 9% higher than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 3% lower than the national average. Wisconsin Dells has grocery prices that are 2% higher than the national average.

What happened to the Dells? ›

After disbanding due to a near-fatal car crash in 1958, the band re-formed in 1960 with Funches being replaced by Johnny Carter. This lineup remained together until Carter's death in 2009. In 2004 the Dells were inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame.

How much does it cost to get into mystery spot? ›

Total charge per advance ticket is $10.00. Children 3 and under are free.

What is in the Mystery Spot? ›

The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California. It is a circular area of effect around 150 feet or 46 meters in diameter. Within the Mystery Spot you will be stunned as your perceptions of the laws of physics and gravity are questioned.

What is the most isolated place in Wisconsin? ›

Escape to Apostle Islands in Lake Superior, Wisconsin

Wisconsin's Lake Superior is home to a whopping 22 islands collectively known as the Apostle Islands, which offer a secluded escape to visitors.

How long is the Mystery Spot trail? ›

Experience this 0.6-mile loop trail near Santa Cruz, California. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 21 min to complete. This is a popular trail for birding, hiking, and walking, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.