Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business (2024)

Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business (1)

A customer shops at a Miami grocery store in 2022.


Hearing that big corporations are raking in hefty profits frustrates Nick Rosolino. As the owners of a small cleaning business in rural Maine, Rosolino and his wife are finding it increasingly difficult to break even after the prices for the products they use soared in recent years.

While supply chain problems and high demand may have helped spur inflation early in the pandemic, Rosolino believes there’s another key reason why prices have soared and remained high: Corporate greed.

“Many CEOs are stating that profits are up as a result of rising prices,” said Rosolino, 51, who lives in New Gloucester, Maine, about a half hour from Portland. “It’s definitely a driving force, greed. It’s corporate greed.”

Reluctantly, he had to raise his prices by 15% earlier this year for the first time since the pandemic began, a move his customers said they understood. The increase will help him better afford the environmentally friendly products he uses, such as the 28-ounce bottle of all-purpose cleaner that now costs as much as $4.29, up from $2.49 not too long ago.

Asked how they are feeling about the economy, Rosolino was among a number of CNN readers who blame companies’ drive for higher profits as a main factor for the dour mood. That has kept prices elevated and left them, and the nation, struggling, they say.

President Joe Biden has also seized on the idea of corporate greed as he struggles to get his economic message to resonate with voters and to deflect blame. It was a central talking point in his State of the Union address on Thursday.

“Too many corporationsraiseprices topadtheir profits,chargingmore and moreforless and less,” Biden said. “In fact,the snack companies think you won’t notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot fewer … same size bag for fewer chips in it.”

Biden’s sentiments were echoed last week by Cookie Monster, who complained on X about “shrinkflation,” lamenting that his cookies are getting smaller.

Companies are doing well

Corporate America has enjoyed healthy profit margins in recent years, even as many people have had to make sacrifices to cope with the surge in prices. Inflation hit 40-year highs in 2022, and though it has cooled since, consumers have not gotten a break.

Corporate profits as a share of the national economy remain near post-World War II highs, Lael Brainard, director of the White House’s National Economic Council, said in a January 2023 speech when she was vice chair of the Federal Reserve.

Profit margins at nonfinancial firms should remain elevated this year, as they benefit from lower costs, according to Goldman Sachs analysts. Companies are typically slower to reduce their prices when costs decline than they are to raise prices when their expenses jump.

Profit margins were higher in 2023 than they were just before the pandemic began, the analysts said.

Corporate profits have contributed to inflation, though experts differ on the extent.

A recent report from Groundwork Collaborative, a progressive advocacy group, argues that corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and 34% since the start of the pandemic.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City found in a 2023 report that corporate profits contributed 41% of inflation in the first two years of the economic recovery following the recession sparked by the pandemic. It noted that’s actually less than the historical average in prior recoveries.

The increase in corporate profits tracks with what’s expected to happen when prices rise due to supply and demand imbalances, said Neil Bradley, chief policy officer at the US Chamber of Commerce.

“This is still a really strong economy from a consumer purchasing standpoint,” he said, noting that demand remains higher than prior to the pandemic, when profit margins were lower.

To control their own costs, companies at times prefer to reduce the size of their products rather than raise their prices – otherwise known as shrinkflation. That’s because research shows that consumers are more sensitive to price changes than size changes, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in an article last year.

Household paper products and snacks are the most common items that manufacturers downsize, according to a bureau analysis that looked at changes between 2015 and 2021. The changes affect consumers’ cost of those goods, particularly at the grocery store, though they have a very small impact on overall inflation.

However, the bureau said the number of shrinkflation reports is falling.

Tough on families

High prices, particularly at the supermarket, have left Heather Vargas and her family struggling to make ends meet. The Citrus Heights, California, resident’s most recent grocery tab came to $165 – and she’s buying ground beef, not steak, she pointed out. Last year, she was paying less than $100 on a typical trip to the store.

“Corporations are greedy!” Vargas, 45, wrote to CNN. “Every time I go to the store, prices are raised a quarter to a dollar. That all adds up.”

Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business (3)

Heather Vargas is paying more for eggs, canned tuna and other groceries.

Vargas, who cares for a special needs child but also works as a delivery driver when she can find gigs, and her husband – a truck driver – have cut back on spending and carefully plan each meal to stay on budget. She did not appreciate WK Kellogg CEO Gary Pilnick’s recent suggestion that families looking for more affordable options can eat cereal for dinner. It was like “a slap in the face” from a CEO who is paid millions of dollars a year, she told CNN.

Companies haven’t seen the need to change their ways because Americans are continuing to spend even as prices have climbed, said Aaron Hackman, 38, who lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with his husband, McKinley Conner.

Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business (4)

Aaron Hackman, right, and his husband, McKinley Conner, have noticed fewer chips in bags.

“Corporations just got used to ‘If I can charge the consumer X, Y and Z during the pandemic, and I can still continue charging them that now and they’re going to pay it because we know this is important to them, we’re going to do so’,” said Hackman, an administrator at a college.

Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business (2024)


Why are prices still so high? Corporate greed, some say. | CNN Business? ›

Companies are typically slower to reduce their prices when costs decline than they are to raise prices when their expenses jump. Profit margins were higher in 2023 than they were just before the pandemic began, the analysts said. Corporate profits have contributed to inflation, though experts differ on the extent.

Why are prices so high right now? ›

For one, the pandemic has caused a shortage in many materials due to a prolonged disruption in the labor force and supply chain, which has increased demand, and the prices of these goods, to rise.

What companies were greedy? ›

You may be familiar with a few of the cases that were popularized the media: Enron, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Bernie Mac. They were just the tip of the iceberg. The top 10 worst cases of corporate greed combined, total to almost 900 billion dollars.

Why is inflation so high in 2024? ›

What drove March 2024's inflation numbers? There are two big boulders sitting on the road to disinflation. Those two big boulders are the cost of housing and gas prices. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that “these two indices contributed over half of the monthly increase in the index for all items.”

Is the inflation rate still high? ›

What the latest CPI data tells us. At 3.5%, the inflation rate is still lower than rates we saw last year -- it was at 5% in March 2023. However, even though prices aren't increasing by as much as they were a year ago, they're still higher than they were before the pandemic.

Will prices ever go back to normal? ›

But the reality is that even as the inflation rate falls, it's unlikely that most prices will decrease alongside it, though some individual items might cost less. And as much as it might not feel like it over the last few years, ever-rising prices can actually be a good thing in the broader economic picture.

Why is everything so unaffordable? ›

Supply chain bottlenecks and soaring demand for goods and services following the re-opening of the economy after the pandemic-related lockdowns sent prices for goods and services skyrocketing to four-decade highs last summer. But over the last few months, inflation has been decelerating.

Is corporate greed causing inflation? ›

Corporate profits have contributed to inflation, though experts differ on the extent. A recent report from Groundwork Collaborative, a progressive advocacy group, argues that corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and 34% since the start of the pandemic.

What companies are not making money? ›

Money-Losing Firms Worth More Than $25 Billion
CompanyTicker2022 expected net loss ($ millions)
Peloton Interactive(PTON)-269.8
9 more rows
Sep 14, 2021

What company controls the most money? ›

BlackRock manages nearly $10 trillion in investments. Vanguard has $8 trillion and State Street has $4 trillion. Their combined $22 trillion in managed assets is the equivalent of more than half of the combined value of all shares for companies in the S&P 500 (about $38 trillion). Their power is expected to grow.

How to stop inflation? ›

Monetary policy primarily involves changing interest rates to control inflation. Governments through fiscal policy, however, can assist in fighting inflation. Governments can reduce spending and increase taxes as a way to help reduce inflation.

What is causing inflation right now? ›

Coronavirus pandemic

However, inflation is happening now because of spending from households. When the lockdowns ended, many started to go out again and buy things even though the supply chains were/are facing issues. This of course causes shortages and increased prices.

How long can inflation last? ›

Price growth is slowing, but high inflation could still persist through most of 2024 and beyond. Inflation dropped from a year-over-year rate of 3.7% to 3.2% in October, according to the latest consumer price index report released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Tuesday morning.

Will food prices ever go down? ›

Here's what the U.S. Department of Agriculture is saying in its forecast for 2024: “Food prices are expected to continue to decelerate but not decline in 2024.

Who benefits from inflation? ›

Inflation allows borrowers to pay lenders back with money worth less than when it was originally borrowed, which benefits borrowers. When inflation causes higher prices, the demand for credit increases, raising interest rates, which benefits lenders.

Can inflation be reversed? ›

The reverse of inflation is called disinflation. The central bank can reverse inflation by implementing various tools: 1. Monetary policy: in monetary policy central bank generally increases the interest rate that reduces investment and economic growth.

What is causing current prices to rise? ›

As the demand for a particular good or service increases, the available supply decreases. When fewer items are available, consumers are willing to pay more to obtain the item—as outlined in the economic principle of supply and demand. The result is higher prices due to demand-pull inflation.

Is inflation ever going to go down? ›

The good news is that the pace of broader price increases has slowed significantly since peaking in summer 2022, so inflation has been slowing down. But some economists expect annual inflation to creep up to 3.5% from 3.2% in March CPI numbers.

What is causing inflation in the US? ›

As the labor market tightened during 2021 and 2022, core inflation rose as the ratio of job vacancies to unemployment increased. This ratio is used to measure wage pressures that then pass through to the prices for goods and services.

Why is the cost of living so high? ›

California has one of the highest state tax rates in the country, and this is reflected in the prices of goods and services in Los Angeles. Additionally, the cost of living for employees in Los Angeles is higher than in many other cities due to the high cost of housing and transportation.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.