What are Good Fake City Names? (2024)

byCJ McDaniel //May 23

Have you ever found yourself doodling on the corner of your notebook, dreaming up your own fantasies and adventures? Countless worlds swirling in the haze of your imagination, waiting to be laid out on paper. After all, what’s a gripping tale without an extraordinary setting? Hogwarts, Narnia, Gotham – these names instantly transport us to a world of magic, mystery, and sometimes even danger.

It’s fascinating how a simple name, a mere combination of letters, can paint an entire story, a complex history, and a unique culture. In order to create a vibrant and captivating universe, deciding what are good fake city names plays an essential role. The name of your city is the first impression anyone gets of your fictional world. Like meeting a new person, this is where the riveting journey of understanding, exploring and engrossing begins… with a name. But if you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, don’t worry! You can always turn to our Random City Name Generator or Fantasy Name Generator to spark your creativity and come up with the perfect moniker for your fictional city.

Table of Contents

What are key considerations when coming up with fake city names?

When creating a fictional world, one of the essential elements to consider is the names of the cities within it. Intriguing and believable city names can add depth to the world you are building, creating a more immersive experience for your readers or audience. So, what are some key considerations when coming up with fake city names?

First and foremost, it’s important to think about the setting of your fictional world. Consider the geography, climate, culture, and history of the region where your city is located. These factors can influence the sound and structure of the city name. For example, a city in a tropical region might have a name that reflects the lush environment, while a city in a mountainous area could have a name that evokes rugged terrain.

Another aspect to consider is the language and naming conventions of the inhabitants of your fictional world. Think about the linguistic influences that would shape the names of cities in that particular society. Are there any specific sounds or letter combinations that are common in their language? Incorporating these linguistic elements can make the city names feel more authentic and immersive.

Additionally, consider the history and backstory of your fake city. Is there a legendary figure, a significant event, or a unique feature that the city is known for? Drawing inspiration from these aspects can help you come up with a name that has meaning and significance within the world you are creating.

It’s also important to think about the tone and atmosphere you want to convey through the city name. Do you want it to sound mysterious, whimsical, futuristic, or ancient? Choosing the right combination of sounds, syllables, and meanings can help capture the mood you are aiming for.

Lastly, remember to consider the practicality of the city name. Is it easy to pronounce and remember? Does it sound too similar to existing city names or real-world locations? Ensuring that the name is distinctive and easy to recall can help make your fictional city stand out in the minds of your audience.

How can historical events or figures influence the creation of fake city names?

Creating fake city names can be a fun exercise in imagination, but sometimes they can be influenced by real-life historical events or figures. When coming up with fake city names, it’s important to consider how these elements can shape the names to give them a sense of authenticity and depth.

One way historical events can impact fake city names is through the use of significant dates or events. For example, a fictional city created in the aftermath of a great war might be named “Victoryville” to commemorate the triumph of the people. By drawing on historical victories or losses, city names can evoke a sense of the past and add layers of meaning to the fictional world.

Similarly, famous historical figures can inspire the creation of fake city names. A city named after a renowned leader like “Washingtonia” or “Churchillville” can instantly evoke a sense of leadership and strength. These names create a sense of familiarity and can add rich character to the imaginary cities they represent.

It’s also common for fake city names to draw inspiration from cultural or mythological sources. By blending historical elements with fictional or fantastical themes, creators can craft unique and memorable names for their imaginary cities. Names like “Avalon Springs” or “Meridian Isle” conjure up images of ancient legends and mystical realms, bringing a touch of magic to the world-building process.

So, what are good fake city names? The key is to blend historical influences with creativity and imagination. By considering the impact of historical events, figures, and cultural sources, creators can craft city names that feel authentic and engaging. Whether rooted in real-world history or drawn from fantastical realms, the best fake city names are those that resonate with meaning and spark the imagination.

In what ways can geography play a role in crafting believable fake city names?

Crafting fake city names for fictional settings can be a fun and creative endeavor for writers, game designers, and world-builders. To make these fake city names believable and immersive, considering various geographical aspects is crucial. Geography infuses authenticity into a fictional world, making it more vibrant and realistic for the audience. Here are some ways in which geography can influence the creation of plausible fake city names.

Topography: The physical features of a region can heavily influence the names of its cities. For example, a city nestled in a valley might have a name derived from the nearby mountain range or river. Considering whether a city is located near the coast, in a dense forest, or atop a plateau can inspire names that reflect its surroundings.

Climate: The climate of a region can also impact the naming of cities. A city in a snowy, northern region may have a name that evokes coldness or winter themes. Conversely, a city in a tropical area might have a name that reflects the heat and lush vegetation of its surroundings. Considering the climate can add depth to the interpretation of a city’s name.

Cultural Influences: The culture and history of a fictional world play a significant role in shaping city names. By incorporating elements of the region’s culture, language, or historical events, creators can make the names feel more organic and integrated. Considering the cultural background of the inhabitants can lead to city names that feel authentic and grounded in the world’s lore.

Morphology and Etymology: Paying attention to the linguistic roots and structure of city names can enhance their believability. Understanding how real-world place names are formed – whether they are descriptive, possessive, or derived from ancient languages – can provide insights into crafting convincing fake city names. Consider the sounds, syllables, and meanings of words to create names that are aesthetically pleasing and thematically appropriate.

Regional Influences: Different regions within a fictional world may have distinct naming conventions based on their unique characteristics. By considering the regional differences in geography, such as varying landscapes, resources, or historical events, creators can tailor city names to reflect these differences. This attention to detail can enrich the world-building process and create a more cohesive and immersive setting.

By incorporating these geographical considerations into the process of crafting fake city names, creators can develop rich and believable fictional worlds. Taking inspiration from the natural environment, climate, culture, language, and regional nuances can result in city names that feel rooted in their surroundings and resonate with audiences. Ultimately, a well-crafted fake city name can enhance the overall immersion and storytelling experience in any fictional setting.


In conclusion, when it comes to creating fake city names for stories, games, or just for fun, the possibilities are endless. Whether you opt for a whimsical name like Frosthaven or a more mysterious-sounding name like Shadowvale, the key is to let your creativity run wild. By considering the characteristics, themes, and personalities of your fictional city, you can generate unique and captivating names that will help bring your imaginary world to life. So, next time you need to invent a city name, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and have fun exploring the infinite realm of possibilities. What are good fake city names? The answer lies in your imagination.



About the Author

CJ grew up admiring books. His family owned a small bookstore throughout his early childhood, and he would spend weekends flipping through book after book, always sure to read the ones that looked the most interesting. Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company!

What are Good Fake City Names? (2024)


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List of fictional towns in television
Town NameOriginNetwork
Eerie, IndianaEerie, Indiana Eerie, Indiana: The Other DimensionNBC, Fox Kids
Erinsborough, MelbourneNeighboursSeven Network
Eureka, OregonEurekaSci-Fi Channel
104 more rows

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Traditional Village Name Ideas
  • Heritageville.
  • Classic Corner.
  • Old Towne.
  • Vintage Village.
  • Timeless Township.
  • Nostalgia Nook.
  • Hometown Haven.
  • Historic Hamlet.
Oct 4, 2023

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5 Simple Steps to Create Fantasy Place Names
  1. Pick a comparable real-world culture for your fantasy place. ...
  2. Pick a list of 5-10 words relevant to that place. ...
  3. Put the words into Google Translate. ...
  4. Cut the words up and create new ones from the pieces. ...
  5. Research the fantasy place names – DO NOT SKIP!
Jun 21, 2022

How is a city named? ›

Place names in the United States tend to be more easily traceable to their origins, such as towns simply named after the founder or an important politician of the time, with no alterations except a simple suffix, like -town. Carson City, for instance, was named for Kit Carson.

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You could consider using a city name that referenced a geographic feature of the area or a historic reference to a founder. Or you could make a satirical reference. Or you could make-up a name that revealed a clue to something in the plot of the fiction your creating.

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Common population definitions for an urban area (city or town) range between 1,500 and 50,000 people, with most U.S. states using a minimum between 1,500 and 5,000 inhabitants. Some jurisdictions set no such minima. In the United Kingdom, city status is awarded by the Crown and then remains permanent.

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  • 2.1 Washington (91)
  • 2.2 Franklin (45)
  • 2.3 Clinton (39)
  • 2.4 Arlington (38)
  • 2.5 Centerville (38)
  • 2.6 Georgetown (35)
  • 2.7 Lebanon (35)
  • 2.8 Springfield (35+1 fictional)

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Meaning. In some cases, town is an alternative name for "city" or "village" (especially a small city or large village; and occasionally even hamlets). Sometimes, the word town is short for township.

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Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Originally the town had a shorter, easier to pronounce name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyll. In the 1880s, in a joking attempt to attract tourists, a tailor added the rest of the syllables, bringing the total length to 58 letters, including four letter L's in a row.

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Consider names that mirror the atmosphere of your town. Think of where it would appear on a map and look at the kinds of names associated with those specific areas. Make a short list of possible names and choose one that captures—in sound and connotation—the very essence of the town you've created.

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Naming Your Settlement

One of the easiest cues to names are the associations to the place. Town's and city's names derive from nature, region, other's name or a mix of these. Many places have same suffixes (word added at the end). You can use names from cartoons or video games.

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To the tyrannical or wicked cities- Gomorrah, New Tyro, The City, Reich, Dirt, Phobos, Sundown, Fat City, Megapolis, Or the name of your tyrant or maniacal despot of choice.

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Hogan's Alley, Virginia

Designed by film set designers, the “town” of Hogan's Alley has everything Anytown, USA could offer. From a laundromat, barbershop, post office, restaurants, shops and even a small town square, this facility is full of FBI trainees and actors.

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  • village.
  • suburb.
  • municipality.
  • hamlet.
  • burg.
  • farming village.
  • rural community.
  • hick town. Slang.
4 days ago

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1. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch - a small village in north Wales on the village of Anglesey, the name actually means the church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave.

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To the tyrannical or wicked cities- Gomorrah, New Tyro, The City, Reich, Dirt, Phobos, Sundown, Fat City, Megapolis, Or the name of your tyrant or maniacal despot of choice.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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