The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (2024)

In 1916, John D. Rockefeller became the world’s first billionaire, and in the hundred years since we haven’t had a trillionaire. And today, not only do we have a trillionaire, we also have the world’s first quadrillionaire. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and finance, the world’s richest man alive today also happens to be the richest man in history, and by a substantial margin.

Now, there’s debate on who the richest man in history was–how do you mark to market Mansa Musa’s massive empire? How can you estimate the value of all of Egypt under the rule of Augustus? Whether the Roman emperor’s wealth made him a trillionaire in modern USD terms, and whether Mansa Musa was richer than him thanks to his trade in commodities (salt, gold, slaves), it doesn’t really matter anymore. Because now the richest man in history is, quite literally, exponentially richer than them both.

And he’s not dead yet, which is also pretty good for the pocketbook.

To show just how much richer the richest person alive is right now, let’s go through some quick numbers. If we accept the old Times article’s estimate that Augustus’s net worth was $4.6 trillion, that is still a good $995.4 trillion less than the world’s richest man. In other words, the wealthiest person alive could buy and sell Augustus and his Egyptian holdings over two hundred times–and still have tens of trillions left over to take a short vacation somewhere.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (2)

Source: Author

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we have entered a new world of once incomprehensible wealth. Financial innovation thanks to cutting edge technologies, from the foundations of the internet and cloud computing to the specialized proprietary technologies of artificial intelligence, DeFi, Web3, and blockchain, has created the kind of illustrious wealth and power that previous epochs would find incomprehensible.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (3)

We live in a new era of new possibilities. So now, I would like to introduce you to the richest man on the planet and how he earned a net worth of $1,000,000,000,000,000 before anyone else could.

It’s me.

How I Did It

Hello, my name is Michael Foster and I am the world’s first quadrillionaire. I have to admit, I have never been motivated by money, so becoming the richest person of all time is pretty heady. It’s also a little scary–I’ve installed some security cameras at home. I might get a dog.

Doing so was neither simple nor easy, and I did not get here alone. I have to thank my business partners, many of whom you will be familiar with. I would like to thank my partnership with Alphabet (GOOG), the Mountain View-based tech firm that has provided the extremely foundational technology that has made this wealth creation possible. Of course, one must also thank Satoshi Nakamoto for being the first domino in this wonderful trip. But there are so many illustrious people to have come before me! Do Kwon, Mark Karpeles…the list really does go on and on.

To the innovators! To the crazy ones!

But my biggest gratitude goes out to Sam Bankman-Fried, whose innovations in cryptocurrency have changed the rules forever. And while SBF is not the most beloved person on Earth right now, thanks to all of that fraud and stuff, I didn’t lose any money so I can’t blame him too much.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (4)

And while SBF did a little oopsie and has seen his personal net worth go down from $19 billion to, well, something, his trailblazing is truly a sight to behold in wonder and adoration. Having innovated in the crypto space, SBF is now working towards new innovations in the legal space. While I can’t get into details here too much, so far we’ve seen 100,000 claims against his FTX that could easily turn into over a million, thanks to the very large userbase of FTX. If he is convicted for each claim separately, and if he gets 2 years in prison per conviction, he could be facing a prison sentence of over 2 million years.

And for that, I applaud SBF; after inspiring me to innovate in the crypto world to have the largest personal net worth in history, SBF is himself innovating in the world of self-incrimination to have the longest prison sentence in history. This altruism, it must be said, is very effective.

I must admit, I have learned from SBF’s mistakes. By taking money from the outside, by allowing people to trade in his cryptocurrency, and by making massive promises of future profits to customers, SBF got himself in some legal hot water. I’ve decided to avoid all of these pitfalls by not selling my token to outsiders. This produces infinite scarcity that is a solid defense against price declines for my token while also giving me complete and total control of its value relative to fiat currencies, other cryptocurrencies, and other stores of value.

The token is called Super Buckaroo Fun Coins (SBF Coin) and they are all in my own personal wallet. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at our balance sheet.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (5)

Source: Author (note how I took a full screenshot so you know there’s nothing hiding anywhere!)

Note first how I have learned from SBF’s mistakes. Upon releasing his balance sheet, SBF did not get a good response. Matt Levine of Bloomberg noted that it’s “an Excel file full of the howling of ghosts and the shrieking of tortured souls”. Well, note how my balance sheet is a Google Sheet, not Excel, so clearly different.

Note the lack of liabilities, too. Since I hold 100% SBFCoin and have no clients or counterparties, I have no need to ask for a bailout–a problem that is keeping SBF awake (as well as stimulants?) as he reaches out to investors for a potential bailout (sorry, SBF, I have enough to bail out FTX’s missing $8 billion approximately 125,000 times over with SBFCoin, but I’ve got some friends over so I’m a bit too busy to help out).

Boring Financial Stuff (go ahead and skip this bit)

At its current valuation, the current quadrillion SBFCoins in circulation are worth $1 each, making the total market cap of SBFCoins $1 quadrillion. This also means that SBFCoins are the largest cryptocurrency in the world in terms of market cap.

Current trading volumes for SBFCoins are massive. I like trading with myself (no kinkshaming, okay?), so I tend to trade about $900b in net worth of my SBFCoins per day, on average. That daily average volume has been increasing lately because bigger numbers are fun, and it’s worth noting that trades execute in a millisecond, much faster than other cryptocurrencies and stocks traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges.

Boring Technical Stuff (go ahead and skip this too)

SBFCoin is a robust decentralized DeFi platform using cutting-edge Web3 technologies to unlock value and provide extremely fast transactions thanks to an internal proprietary accounting mechanism built on the back of proprietary Google AI-driven SaaS innovations in cloud computing-based database tools (i.e., I’ve got a Google Sheet). It is a cryptocurrency utilizing the following AI-driven DAO-backed gas-free zero-slippage mining-free protocol that is both gasless and offers PoS-backed smart contract executions:

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Few understand.

How You Can Profit

I am not selling SBFCoins for fiat, both to avoid the risks of millions of years in jail time and also to preserve the value of SBFCoins. The value of these coins and their future potential are too great to sell, so I’m not really sure how any of you can profit from my newfound historically unprecedented personal wealth.

However, if you really really want a SBFCoin, I really like pizza rolls. Send me a couple of pizza rolls in the mail (PM me for my address) and I might think about giving you a SBFCoin or two. But no promises, k?

There’s another really hot alternative currency you might consider, which has been on an absolute tear against the dinosaurs in the crypto space. Just look at how it’s done compared to BTC in the last year.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (6)

Few understand. Few.

The World’s First Quadrillionaire Revealed (2024)


Was there ever a quadrillionaire? ›

Regrettably for Reynolds, his time as the world's only quadrillionaire was short-lived. The glitch in the PayPal system that had caused this financial anomaly was swiftly rectified, returning his account balance to a more reasonable figure.

Is anyone a quadrillionaire today? ›

And today, not only do we have a trillionaire, we also have the world's first quadrillionaire. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and finance, the world's richest man alive today also happens to be the richest man in history, and by a substantial margin.

Is Chris Reynolds still a quadrillionaire? ›

Unfortunately for them, and Reynolds, the mistake was corrected pretty quickly and his PayPal balance dropped from $92 quadrillion down to $0 again. To apologize for the (astronomical) mistake, PayPal offered to donate money to a charity of his choice.

Are there any decillionaires? ›

It is theoretically possible for a person to be as rich as a decillionaire, but it is extremely unlikely. A decillion is a very large number, equal to 1 followed by 33 zeros: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Who is a centillionaire? ›

Definitions from Wiktionary (centillionaire) ▸ noun: (hyperbolic) Somebody whose wealth is greater than one centillion (10³⁰³) units of the local currency; an extremely rich person. Opposite: pauper, poor, impoverished, destitute.

What is above Quadrillionaire? ›

The next step above trillion is quadrillion, then quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion. Going by convention, the level above trillionaire is quadrillionaire.

Can a person be a zillionaire? ›

Once zillion was made up as a humorous word for an indeterminately large number (patterned on million and billion), it was only a matter of time before zillionaire came along as a humorous word for a person of seemingly immeasurable wealth.

How rich is a quadrillionaire? ›

A quadrillion looks like this: 1,000,000,000,000,000. That is a 1 with 15 zeroes. That is also 1 billion sets of 1 million dollars. If you “sold off” Earth and it's contents you would gross $5 quadrillion dollars.

Are there any trillionaires? ›

As of today, no billionaire is within striking distance of becoming a trillionaire. Elon Musk is, at present, the world's richest person, with a net worth of $206 billion, while Jeff Bezos is in the number two position with $179 billion, according to Bloomberg.

Who is a decillionaire? ›

decillionaire (plural decillionaires) Somebody whose wealth is greater than one decillion units of the local currency.

What's after Quadrillionaire? ›

In our last blog, we discussed that we go from a million to a billion and then to a trillion. Now, after a trillion, there comes a number known as quadrillion, and then we have other numbers following it. These numbers are quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion.

Are there septillionaires? ›

septillionaire - This Word Does Not Exist.

Who are the six trillionaires? ›

These are the only 6 trillionaires who lived on earth from history who reached the pinnacle of wealth.
  • Genghis Khan. 1206–1227. King of Mongol Empire. ...
  • Zhao Xu. 1048–1085. ...
  • Akbar, The Great. 1542–1605. ...
  • Amenhotep III. 1388–1351 BC. ...
  • Augustus Caesar. 63 BC-14 AD. ...
  • King Solomon. 970–931 BCE. ...
  • Mansa Mousa. 1280–1337.
Jun 30, 2021

Is anyone a trillionaire in 2024? ›

At any rate, there is no single identifiable person who seems on track to become a trillionaire within the next decade. Eventually it will happen — and a good share of the credit should go to the Federal Reserve, not necessarily the person who earned the money.

Who is the richest kid in the world? ›

6 Richest Kids In The World 2024:
  • Princess Charlotte of Wales, 8 years old - $5 Billion.
  • Prince George, 10 years old - $3 Billion.
  • Blue Ivy Carter, 12 years old - $1 Billion.
  • Suri Cruise, 17 years old - $800 Million.
  • Stormi Webster, 5 years old - $700 Million.
  • Prince Louis, 5 years old - $400 Million.
Mar 1, 2024

Who was the richest to ever exist? ›

The person who takes the cake is Mansa Musa I, a king of the Mali Empire in West Africa. He accumulated an estimated wealth of $400 billion in today's dollars during his reign from 1307 to 1332.

Has anyone been worth $1 trillion dollars? ›

As of today, no billionaire is within striking distance of becoming a trillionaire. Elon Musk is, at present, the world's richest person, with a net worth of $206 billion, while Jeff Bezos is in the number two position with $179 billion, according to Bloomberg.

Has anyone ever had a net worth of $1 trillion? ›

A trillionaire is an individual with a net worth equal to at least one trillion in U.S. dollars or a similarly valued currency, such as the euro or the British pound. Currently, no one has yet claimed trillionaire status, although some of the world's richest individuals may only be a few years away from this milestone.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.