The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

CONGRESS PASSES EMERGENCY TARIFF MEASURE TODAY; HARDING WILL SIGN HIT Full Leased Wire Report of the tl WEATHER United Preee Every Day by Telegraph Tliundershowers this afternoon and tonight; somewhat lower ternner. June Tuesday, partly cloudy; VOU XXX. 41. SAY UK, MONDAY, MAY 23, PRICK TUTtEE CKXTS EFFICIENCY MUS CE POLITICS EVENING TIMES Socialists And Popular Party President Delivers Eulogy Over Bodies Of 5212 Soldiers Dead Returned From Europe 1IG SEEKS mm a Win Italian Elections, Will Again Place Nitti In Power biu tin FIRST IP or im rani NEW York, May 23 There was aj shortly afler his arrival here today on ROM May 23. Francisco INItti former Italian was vindicat Sll Hull review 0r nation's war dead by the his yacht Mayflower.

the socialists have 122 voles and the popular 'party, which will work with them, have 109. The two will constitute the controlling element in the President or the United Stales today. They went directly to the pier, on the upper deck of which the long rows of caskefs stood. Of all the divisional While ii band played a dirge, Presi chamber. Premier Giollitl will have EXPENSE IE JOB HOLDERS dent Hauling, with bowed head, walk the support of 273 coalition demo I onus oi me American CMieaiuonary ed today in coiitplelo returns from the Italian national elections.

If was conceded (fuila generally that the composition of the new parliament favors his early return to the post of ipremier. He accomplished hu return refusing to swerve from ed slowly through the long aisles form (Forces which were In France, only the crats (but will foe forced to count on the populars to support hfe measures. 3rd division was without represent a His fall can ibe accomplished by the tion In the flag-draped ranks of rough boxes. In the background there was populars any time they decided to Designed at Demand of Farm Threaten All Europeans, Tour withdraw their support. Nitti, it is Ibe- a little group of relatives of the hero ers to Protect Agricultural the socialist iparty despite the rapid growth of amti-socialistlo feeling and lately the employment of violence by ists Fleeing From Country- lieved to be the only available candidate who can handle the socialists ed by 5,212 rough caskets, containing Ihe bodies of American soldiers brought home from France.

"There are a hundred thousand sorrows touching my own heart," he said, in his eulogy, "and I hear the admon ition ringing there this must not be again this must not be again." After lie speech, the president plac ed a wreath on the casket of Joseph English in Control at Alex In Speech Today Tells Academy of Political Science that Government Will be Run on Business Basis. Products From Slump in Prices Permanent Law their enemies. Election returns show and tpopulars. dead. As Harding mounted the small rostrum after the review the Iband played "Nearer My God to Thee." Chaplains read a few verses of scripture.

"These dead know nothing of our andria Will Follow. BEDOUINS MARCHING TO AID UPRISING PASSES SECOND TIME MAY LOSE SUPPORT OF PROFESSIONALS STATE TROOPERS WEUUFIST SHIN STREET CARS. BRITISH GOLF MATCH WILSON VETOED FIRST W. Geiger of Hart, a member of ceremony or our sentiment," said the Company the 126th Infantry, who president. was the first American killed on Ger-1 "These bodies were 'but the clay man soil.

'tenements which contained the souls "In the mime of the republic," he that lit the battle flame that sped on said, "1 bestow this tribute on the: to accuse autocracy before the bar of casket oi the first American soldier to justice. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, May 23. (U. Five Europeans were killed here last night in anti-British rioting. 'Sev WASHINGTON.

May 23, (U. P. enty-two others, mostly tourists, were HOP OPENFOR TRAFFIC wounded. The rioters were beaten back by perish on the soil of the enemy "We shall not forget them, though they lie in the homeland, or in the President Harding and his party British troopers. Additional military crossed the Hudson from New York i land crimsoned by their bloodJ" AI.M VXY, May 23.

-With state HOYLAKE, England, May 23, (U. forces were brought in today to quell the Egyptians who were in an ugly mood. Brilish soldiers were in control at NEW YORK, May 23 "The war slacker is less intolerable than the traitor of peace who fails to, do his duty at the polls," President Harding declared today at a luncheon given by the Academy of Political Science here. He asked all citizens to take an active part in politics. "If politics is unclean," he said, "it is your business to make it clean.

"Those who have been saying things about my style, complaining that they could not understand me, ought to be able to understand that." About 2,000 persons crowded into the banquet hall of the Hotel Commodore to hear the president expound his troopers guarding the operation of America's "big three" Chick trolleys of the United Traction com- Evans, Francis Ouiinet, and Bobby ATI 1 HOLD pany in this city, Albany continued! Jones survived the first, round of the Alexandria. The Egyptians continued Congress finally approved the emergency tariff bill today. Action necessary to send the bill to President Harding was taken by the House when it approved the conference report adjusting senate and house differences over the measure. President Harding is expected to sign the bill. Passage of the 'bill compleles the first step of the Republican revenue and tariff program, There is still to be passed the permanent tariff bill on which the house ways and means com iniltee is working and the revenue bill on which the senate finance commit tee is holding hearings.

The tariff was framed after demands from farmers for governmental action to save them from the effects of the British national amateur golf chain pionship here today. ABUSES WIFE GERMANY LIABLE FOR Young Bobby Jones beat G. C. Man i ford in the opening match three up and two to play. ugly, attacking the British particularly, hut threatening all Europeans.

British officers cancelled all leaves and prepared their men to meet, any i attack. Large bodies were sent out to support detachments which might be cut off in event of a general upris-I ine. Chick Evans eliminated Stoner Crow! pei SENIEiC SI LESIAN FIGHTING quiet today With the actual work ineMent to the operation of cars in charge of the state troopers, the city police turned their attention unlicensed jitneys and early this morning friegan to raid them causing inconvenience to thousands oh their way to work. Heretofore the drivers have been taken into custody in the down town sections usually at night. Today the police started their drive in the outlying sections of the city when the jitneys were loaded with passengers on their way to work.

Wlien a driver Tourists flocked here from all Egyp ther, 5 up and 4 to play. Francis Ouimet was victorious over E. Dick, 3 up and 2 to play. Hunt of the. American team, defeated Crichton 3 up and 1 to play.

C. O. Hutchinson scratched in his match NEW YORK. May 23. When Coun-'tian points, anxious to leave Ihe coun Polish and German war plans for "ruthless efficiency" in government.

In his address he said in part: The government must foe conducted under strictly business methods, the president said, adding that he 'well knew that in so doing the will lose a in Upper renewed Silesia limned up with ty Judge in Brooklyn heard that try before there is further trouble. Benjamin Davis, twenty-tour years CAIRO. Egypt, 23, (U. Fif slump in their produces. Today was the second time the bill has passed congress, former President strength today.

with Fow nes, old of Brooklyn, who weighs about teen hundred Bedouins are streaming 200 pounds and was on probation un- toward Bamleh to take part in a gen Wilson having vetoed it last session. J. Wood Piatt, who was to have met. good deal of loyalty on the part Major H. A.

Boyd, was forced out certain class of iitlelnn. der a suspended sentence, had been eral revolutionary uprising, according In regular military formation, two columns of lightly armed for the most part were marching against the Poles. I'ho insurgents were reported Rivins way before the Germans. Great l'ri'sii is sending four bnttal- was taken into custody, the occupants play in the championships by an in- to reports here today. Reports of last night's rioting at of the car were forced to leave it and; jury.

He fell downstairs and badly in WEALTHY WOMAN 'WHO ROBBED HOUSES continue to toot, through a drenching jured his leg, which had to be placed Alexandria said (wo Europeans were. abusing his wife, Anna, ninteen years told, who weights about Do pounds, the judge summoned the man to court He appeared today and was sent to the peniltentlary. According to scored the confusion and red tape at Washington, declaring that the household similarly conducted would meet with disaster, "Stony hearted devotion," and resolute courage are needed to out rain, none hoarded the trolley cars. in splints sprayed with gasoline and their cloth ing set afire. The day was much cooler than Sat (As soon as the car was-talten to the station house, the license plates were stripped from the machine and the Egyptian and European dead were 'WVfcN r- The Frendi I'oie'gn oflice d.iciared May 23.

Mrs. Joseph i had advice; iltaf German volunteers urday and a light land breeze made conditions somewhat more difficult for said to be lying in the streets. CHICAGO, driver given an order signed by the the Americans, commanding oliicer of the stationper-1 by the thousand are pouring into per Silesia, intent on fighting the mitting him to drive the car to his Judge Mavs' information the man had tn one occasion knelt on his wife and broke four of her ribs. "I shall do all in my power to see that you stay in the penittentiary for the full three years," Judge May said to Davis. Davis was under suspended sentence for petit larceny.

GERMANS PUT -WAR Heil, millionaire's wife, who was exposed after stealing from homes thousands of dollars' worth of furniture, will have a preliminary hearing today. Mrs. Heil, according to her cont'es- home or garage. With the state troopers in control, cars, were operated -Aintil midnligh this program he admitted, but insisted that his administration wilt, combat existing inertia at every point. Sympathy (or the professional job holder must be sacrificed, he said.

The spech, iby far the most direct and emphatic he has made since becoming was the result of two ami one half months experience as chief executive. Although prepared for scholarly ears and couched in dignified language.the feeling behind the I IIAIS last night, Ihe first in three days. But one stoning was reported, and a ne Volstead Hastens To Prevent Use Of Beer As Medicine WASHINGTOTsMay 23. The house gro was taken into custody on the cluirge, after a trooper and policeman had chased him over housetops and The olunteers were said to havo been c-fleied free transportation. Coupiti wMi the French reports was the semi-official statement that I France will held Germany for what occurs in Upper Silesia.

The statement was in line with previous utterances of the French. Premier Briand's firs' statement 'n ri-jji-rd to the situation waj thai 'France can not remain oMir-il' if Silesia is invaded. Heavy figlums occurred today at Kattowitz willi fliu Poles being repulsed. Poii-i t.ioops wen routed at Albrechtdoiff and Lowoschau. A Po- RENEWS MOONEY discourse was apparent.

robbed homes after she had employed as a housemaid-, She will be represented at the hearing by her attorneys, illness keep ing her away, Mrs. Heil is about to become a mother. SULLIVAN'S MILLIONS WILL BE USED FOR fired a shot at, him. Too much can not laid Lioulenant Governor "Wood, who is judiciary committee today started 'on the fact that eternal 'vigilaMce is now at the Capitol, said today he did work in earnest to prevent the Palmer LEIPZIG. Germany, May 23, (U.

P. The list" of alleged German war criminals was sceduled to go to trial here today. British legal authorities, headed by Sir Erneut Pollock, solicitor general, were here to press the charges. Te defendants ere are accused of cruelties in prison camps. iietore court convened- at 10:30, the price of economy and efficiency." PE FlU TO beer ruling from ibeing put iinto'effect Chairman Volstead summoned a sub not believe that state guardsmen would have to be called, that the state trooper, of whom there are 2,0 in the city, could handle the situation.

he said. "Nothing is easier in a government establishment than to teonr tine in existence offlcpo committee to discuss the Jest of CHARITABLE PURPOSES hill piuiUuiLiiii; the Utib ul I ICC eCMTCHPC LIIL ULI1ILI1UL Britist and German attorneys convers iui.Cii uOgUuU Mtta repulsed. -CHICAGO, May 23 The millions Guerilla warfnro was in progress at left by the lafe Itoger C. Sullivan, po-j Rosenberg, Kieuzeberg and Kappilz. Volilical leader, will be used for ed ed amicably over the procedure to lie CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Thorn- used.

The British said they were con SAN FRANCISCO, May toeer as medicine and otherwise as strengthening the prohibtion laws. Because of the report that the treas-ur ydepartment has regulations for beer prescriptions which may Ibe put jnto under the Palmer ruling that been-may be used in unlimited quantifies as medicine, as soon as a new commissioner of internal revenue takes office Volstead will rush enact- as Moonev arrived in ISan Francisco vinced Germany inienaeu 10 uib today to renew his light for a new tri-! honest effort to reach just decisions al. Mooney was brought here from i in the cases. The accused men have, San Quentin penitentiary -where he is, 'been treated as other prisoners would sewina. a liffl term as a result of be who are held in jail when they OF AMERICA HOLD litical leader, will be used for educa- LONDON, ally 23.

Four battalions Jional and charitable purposes. of British soldiers will leave iuimedi- This announcement was made today I alely tor I'pper Silesia, it was an-by Boetius Sullivan, the chieftain's nounced officially by the war office son, who inherited his father's wealth. today. employments, once they are created. It requires jiersistent, determined, stony-hearted devotion to the publio interest to do otherwise.

There must Ibe utter sacrifice of all sympathy ofr place-holder whose real reason for keeping his position is that he wants the salary. There (must be constant examination to determine how tn tha process of evolving functions and methods, forces may Ibe reduoed and duplications of woiflc eliminated. Inertia, which is easily the greatest force in governmental organizations, must be conVbatted at very point. the his ennvirtinn nf in the could not give -proper bail. Four scholarships are to be given i The men will be drawn from MEETING AI BUFFALO troops, along ihe Rhine- The bat-i San Francisco preparedness soon.

talions will augment the Allied dynamiting of 116. ment, of his beer hill. Previously he jwas of the opinion that the ruling would never go into effect, but now jis of the opinion that it would be saf parade Representatives or tne uerman state attorney's office told the United Press that his staff would be sincere in prosecuting the charges and that the forces sent to preserve order until START MANY FIRES i the plebiscite lias been determined. AMERICAN AND JAP BUFFALO, N. APay 23.

The i British would be convinced. IN ENGLAND SATURDAY The fact that a thing has existed lor er to iilock it with legislation. It is probable that, the supplemental Catholic Daughters of America met AH ADC IM CirilTi The hearings were regarded as pre WANTED TO TEST SHERIFF SO STOLE AUTOMOBILE OiilljUIVJ 111 HUH I iliminary to the trial of the big gener here today for a two days' convent ion. Approximately ITJ delegates repre- als, admirals and politicians who have LONDON, Jlay 23, (17. Immediate prosecution of five suspects, rlinrp-pfl with hoiner imiilinutpH in av.

'ooniintf rf tliic ni-Ar In Ilia a decade' or a century that things have (been done in a certain way for a generation must not Ibe accepted as proving that it ought to continue that way. The men who coasciea-tiously and intelligently do this worlc TOKIO, May 23 (U. The Japan been charged with violating the laws state in attendance. BERTHOt'B. May 23.

Lorin were The su- bill will be approved Iby the committee in much the same fonn as it was introduced, with the exception that addiional restrictions for the manufacture of patent and proprietary medicines, some of which are used for booze substitutes, may be modified. ese press today published a cable re of war. iuunJ' "w.c Mrs. Oeneviv K. Walsh preme regent port from Shanghai saying that on The first case today was that of n.

i .1,., vilk hoof. OI eW 1 0FK charged with city, is president of the must not expect to popularize Com May 22 American and Japanese bluo Sergeant Heinen, beat-jackets engaged in a fight at Woosung, 'ing British and Belgian war, prisoners UPll'M Willi flia a nA ttlA convention. Mrs. Mary K. Mclnerney of Mechanicsville, acted as presiding officer.

rn, l.lll. i uuiut-ra with Ihe butt of his rifle. The prison- China. tensive Sinn Fein attacks in England eaffs "'-v 'tr an over the week-end was ordered today. aUtonlobile lf Wanted, Se Attacks over the week-end centered.1' Smi" WUUl in the Tyneside and Teeside districts1)'0 ted lor and jus wondered if and included the blowing up of water 'le "'3 dUty' Mettd SilKl- and light plants, the burning of ship nh dld; yards, haj stacks and factories.

Thirty i one fires were burning simultaneously relatlona seem to in one district. ail poor rlions. Thpvo envartil rucnultioa prs hull lipen Sent to the Fl'iedl'ich del" fr-i i lie ionowin? siare omcers were ai- cmmissionor power to stop the man- tration which devots utacture of alcoholic I.quors until the t(J supply is reduced low enough to sup- lnBt wiu of cording to the dispatch. I Grosse mine near Kerne. They ue- an)j so in attendance: State secretary.

The Jananese'navv department said: clared they were not miners medicinal and Mrs. tjeiia '11. Murphy, New York ply the would not down into the nits. Hein no official report had been received niuuauiai dja(e loy(lIty thp (V1rt of a certain class of ipoiiticians wil1 not state treasurer, Miss Catherine needs i on w.ia in have hpaipn snmp 'or them and ordered his helpers to usoif'' slale nioIlitor. uruuKiyu, auu siaie aavo force on others.

compensated to it onoe the ap- WAGE LEGAL BATTLE iPreclatton of ihe jc: for the pub. flVFR RANKFR'S FSTATF Interest, or Uwc conni. FOUR FIREMEN HURT IN $200,000 BLAZE! (cate, Miss Anna Sea, PeeksVUI. The total nuirtber of Hie order is upwards of The society Obregon Asks United States To State Terms On Which Harding fill Grant Mexico Recognition WHO'LL WIN? incorporated under the laws of the state of iN'ew York and has been CHIOAGO, May legal battle win animal'" himself pi' fr0ln porse-strings." Prpfarrf "Is discussion with a brief of tlMS "financial and ec- known as the "national order of Daughters of Isabella. the estate of J.

R. Collins, aged hanker of Morris, was in prospect today. I Collins $300,000 of his 'fortune to Miss Delia Carpentier. his Harding ARREST LEADERS OF saW depression is the ST. LOUIS, May 23 Two fire men were seriously injured and two others suffered painful injuries fighting a siiectacular blaze in the warehouse district here today.

The damage was estimated at The blaze started in a building vStoring oils and gasoline. Every available piece of fire apparatus was called to the scene before the flafes were under control. resuir oi tne destruction) of I Summeiiin. who will be in charge of the American embassy in Mexico I City is expected to go immediately liuto conference with President Obre Mil II KK 111 IKS secretary ror the last twenty- ifyi'ai during the war. He dissented UVLilL.l lUUliiiVU five years-, end left his wife an in the view that a return to auto- come of $2500 a year.

rratic powers exercised ovVr business LONDON'. Way 2.1.-Leaders of 2o0 jdnring the war would aid the sltua- Irish soldiers who rioted last night MUST WEAR SUITS 'i(n now, declaring that the "feverish in the village of Aveley were arrested; WHEN BATHNG AT Iseeming of prosperity" during NEW YORK, May 23 Babe Adams, veteran pitcher of the Pittsburgh Pirates. "Dempsey wil win. There will not be much to it. Demp sey is too hard a puncher for Carpentier and even though the Frenchman might be a wonderful boxer no one can box the champion and win.

If they both go in to punch it ought to be over in a hurry. Otherwise Dempsey in about five rounds." I Washington. -May 23. George T. Sumir.ei lin.

counsellor of the American eiuss-v at Mexico City, has returned 10 Mexican capital to outline to Obregon government Ihe Uniltd ttfes attitude on recognition of was announced today at the Department. A definite incision has been reached by Secre'i-T of Slate Hughes on the course he taken by this government in ue Mexican question, it 'as also Officials today refused to 1'a, "1P this derision. SAN DIEGO, "t-uausp society "was liter today and taken by their officers for strict examination. The motive for the sudden outbreak ally ournine up Its stocks of capital. Swim- government." he said, "to a rr.i SAN DlfiXJO, May I gon.

upon his arrival in the Mexican capital. Ar these conferences. Summeiiin will outli definitely the attitude of the American government toward Mexico. It is believed that Summer-! lin carries with him a communication from Hughes stating whether the American government will recognize Obregon or whether conditions will v. nn(Pd before the extension of.

recognition. "oothered as not known. The soldiers looted a'mers hereabouts er extent now than ever lfnr can't is DOPE USER GIVES COP TWENTY MINUTE CHASE KANSAS CITY, Mol May 23 Beu-lah Graves, alleged dope user. lost to Detective Boyle in an athletic carnival at Union station. Tne chase lasted 20 minutes after Boyle sighted the quarry.

hotel, smashed windows Un business with balhinz coil itilne under obligation to eive ho houses and held up and searched mo- est approach of anv sor- 0 sen ice for the loweat possSble cost, torists. cyclists and pedestrians. Oth- ulation was found 8Jfs nrfthi is for certain obvious reason, er military forces suppressed the up- reads: "Bathing wit 1 prising. Mited on rh-. vKuucuea on ptga BT irni.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.