The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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--I-W- Ant THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Position On Tranquility A Contrast To 1968 ern On The Way Up He was asked last Sunday On a "Meet the Press" TV show whether this was still his policy and he replied: "Yes" There was no mention of keeping forces at sea In addition on two occasions McGovern has released letters written to an organization representing POW families in which he stated that "military action" might eventually be necessary to get US POWs back It would come only if necessary after the United States has stopped the bombing withdrawn all ground 9 a 44: A A 1 to 'Atom i 4 -44 "LplitSt4''' :4 I '6'141b r1 44 i i 'V'r :4 42: It'4i1n 4 1111p 11 4 :4 tooispt vitt 1 ti4ker-'N'l 1 'fk: i iCf 4 41 1 -Al c4 0 A 1 A 401t s47 t4 44I'r 4414145 1 1 a 0 iaiij4 777''-'ki By JACK NELSON Washington Post-Los Angeles Times News Service MIAMI BEACH As the 1972 Democratic convention nears an end security people are reviewing a week that has produced fewer crimes and arrests than normally occur in Miami Beach Only one demonstrator had been arrested by Thursday night and there had been only one complaint of police accusation that a single officer used chemical Ma ce when demonstrators Pushed down a chain-link fence surrounding the convention hall But the tranquility a stark contrast to the violent clashes between police and demonstrators at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago has not persuaded security people that next months Republican convention will be a cakewalk "We can't tell bow many demonstrators will be here for that or what their plans are until they start chartering buses and we find out what they are up to" said Bill Reed director of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement "But as of now we don't have any reason to believe it will be different from this A ly 14 1972 9A'- a rn's Tuesday stat e-' honing "military capability" I i ye to be retained much consternation me delegates that he 'other statement to Vednesday statement repeat the words 5day but empha- he thought prisoners returned by Hanoi ally within 90 days )lete withdraw performed his 1ote duties in a cavalier the convention fackson responded to ing "Why the re- governor made may make Wirginie vers' obsolete" igan is promoted bY tia tourist industry infield said she took personally greatly incensed at on our She asked the dele-1 Vote to send a complaint to to "let them know our governor" sham a delegation' rot McGovern the' wesidential nominee found leadership in said a telegram in' 's name also was to the newspaper' at point A 14 1972 ar Tuesday a mentioning possibill: "military capability" have to be retained much consternation some delegates that he another statement to Wednesday statement repeat the words Tuesday but empha- he thought prisoners returned by Hanoi within 90 days withdraw r' performed his vote duties in a cavalier' the convention Jackson responded to "Why the re- governor made may make Wirginie Lovers' obsolete" slogan is promoted bY tourist industry Winfield said she took personally greatly incensed at on our governor" She asked the de1e-1 vote to send a complaint to 111' to "let them know' our governor" Graham a delegation' for McGovern the' presidential nominee found leadership in said a telegram in name also was' to the newspaper' that point NC Delegates Back Scott Fume At Observer Story ttot By JAMES McCARTNEY Observer Convention Bureau MIAMI BEACH Has Sen George McGovern changed his position on the Vietnam war Or on keeping US military forces in Thailand and at sea until US prisoners of war are returned? These questions have touched off angry debates here among some delegates to the Democratic convention and among antiwar demonstrators as a result of two new Vietnam statements McGovern has issued this week Some are charging that he Is "softening" on the war The senator strongly insists that "my position on the Vietnam war has not altered one iota" The record shows that literally speaking that is true But it also shows that he has de-emphasized and been vague about the possibility of retaining military forces in Southeast Asia to a point where there can be little wonder that confusion now reigns In fact until Tuesday of this week McGovern had not specifically and publicly suggested that he might have to retain a "military capability in Thailand and on the seas" to indicate "determination" on the POW issue The closest he had come to explaining the policy was last January in a press conference following announcement of his plans to slash the defense budget by $30 billion In a little-publicized answer to a question he said he proposed withdrawing all land and air forces in Thailand "upon the single condition that US prisoners of war be McGovern's portrait is Installed on podium in Miami Beach convention hall Aluskie 208 Kennedy 1065 Rep Wayne Hays of Ohio 5 former Sen Eugene McCarthy 2 and Sen Walter Mondale 1 The night of nomination proceeded swiftly Under the new reform rules there was none of the old-style interminable rhetoric McGovern Selects 'Twin' As Campaign Running-Hate Then followed Wallace with 37750 and Rep Shirley Chisholm the first black woman ever nominated for president by a national convention with 10145 Former Gov Terry Sanford of North Carolina got 695 Humphrey 35 Rep Mills 328 OPEN MON THURS OPEN MON forces and stopped all military assistance to the Thieu regime in Saigon "It serves no purpose to attempt to define now what precise form such action might take if we were forced to consider it because at present the need is entirely speculative" he said in one of the letters But until Tuesday McGovern had never before explained where the military forces involved might be placed That was what was new on Tuesday hasn't contacted me since I've been here" Referring to his absence from the breakfast meeting with McGovern Wednesday morning Scott said: "I would have gone to the meeting with the other governors had the (convention) meeting adjourned at an hour when a fellow can get some sleep" Scott did not return to his hotel until the end of the 11-hour Tuesday night session That session ended about 6:30 am Wednesday and Me- Govern's meeting with the governors began about three hours later Scott said such meetings rarely produced any significant results He repeated what he had said the day before about his absence: "It wasn't a political decision It was a physical The article also said that PHILCO MHZ IM oLco 8 A'E Fri July McGovern's ment ty that a might caused so among Issued try to clarify In a he didn't used sized that would be automatically of a complete al Scott had reporting manner at Roger this saying mark the about sex Is For That the Virginia Mrs the "attack" "I am this attack she said gation to gram of newspaper we endorse Ed contact party's said "We Gov Scott" Graham McGovern's being sent making 4CKDd I 0 I A 1- OPEN TH'URTIL FRL MON THURS FBI 'TIL 0 9 0 1 0700157d VS bC -ce MON OPEN THURS HI 'TIL 0 Continued From Page IA Mrs Mary Winfield of Pine-town delegate Roger Jackson of Murfreesboro and David McConnell of Charlotte a member of the convention's platform committee During the caucus no member of the delegation challenged criticisms of the story Several delegates said privately however that they disagreed with the criticisms Copies of The Observer have been delivered this week to the delegation headquarters at the Seville Hotel Delegate Jack Palmer or Shelby after reading the story said "I thought I was the only one who felt that way" With him was alternate delegate John McLaughlin of Statesville who said he had attended other Democratic conventions but had never seen such little leadership within the delegation He added "The chairman Continued From Page IA his late brothers John and Robert Kennedy had declined a vice presidential offer made within minutes of McGovern's nomination McGovern's acceptance was delayed by the nomination of eight vice presidential candidates Eagleton and seven token candidates Stanley Arnold a New York publicity man Endicott Peabody former governor of Massachusetts Sen Mike Gravel of Alaska who became the first in history to place his name in nomination Clay Smothers a black supporter of Gov Wallace: State Rep Frances "Sissy" Farentholdt of Texas Mississippi publisher Hodding Carter III who withdrew and New Jersey Rep Peter Rodino Eagleton 42 sat chatting with aides in his room at the Ivanhoe Hotel when the call from McGovern came at 3:20 pm Ile instantly agreed to McGovern's request to join the ticket Eagleton's name emerged from a list narrowed during the day until it included only Eagleton Connecticut's Sen Abraham Ribicof Boston Mayor Kevin White and Minnesota Sen Walter Mondale McGovern advisers expected Eagleton a Roman Catholic from St Louis to lend the Democratic ticket youth char istna and ties with organized labor He had come to the convention as a Muskie supporter but defected to MC-Govern on the California credentials challenge McGovern's choice of a running mate reflected his belief that a vice president should be close ideologically to the president in the event he must take over Although he offers no ideological or geographical balance Eagleton might expand McGovern's appeal to Catholic blue collar workers A graduate of Harvard Law School Eagleton was elected Missouri State Attorney General at the age of 31 and four years la1er was successful rt a bid for the lieutenant governorship He and his wife Barbara Ann have two children Terrence 13 and Christine 9 In his first term in the Senate Eagirton has compiled a liberal voting record particularly as an opponent of the Vietnam war McGovern lied Mayor Kenneth Gibson of Newark NJ to nominate Eagleton On Wednesday Eagleton had indicated his interest in the vice presidential nomination He had told reporters he was one of three leading contenders after Kennedy had rejected the offer Eagleton said he could help a McGovern campaign because of his youth his religion his urban background and his ties with labor According to the AFL-CIO a hard-core McGovern foe Eagleton voted "right" on 20 labor issues in the past Iwo years in the Senate and "wrong" on only three The I a or organization's Committee on Political Education (COPE) labeled as "wrong" Eagleton's votes to cut spending for the supersonic transport a tax against a -federally guaranteed loan to Lockheed and confirmation of 8upreme Court Justice William Rehnquist Eaglet Ott has scored high consistently in the ratings of the liberal Americans for Democratic Action: 94 per ent in 1969 and 91 per cent in 190 In his 1968 campaign for the Senate Eagleton campaigned in favor of a draft lottery federal aid for housing and education east-west trade ratification of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty the Peace Corps and an unconditional halt to the bombing of North Vietnam as an indispensable prelude" to an honorable peace Young and witty Eagleton is known in Washington for the breezy informality with which he runs his office But on reaching Washington he quickly established himself as a hard-working member of the labor and public welfare committee and the District of Columbia committee As a member of the Labor and Public Welfare Committee he played a key role in the drafting and passage of legislation setting up the federal government's first office of family planning in the Department of flealth Education and Welfare Edmund Muskie told of Eagleton's selection by McGovern before it was made public called it "a good choice" Muskie called Eagle-ton "a bright young leader of the party" "Ile is well known and liked in the Senate and by a great many governor Muskie said When told of McGovern's choice Eagleton said he replied: "I said George before you change your mind I accept" Eagleton said he thought he could patch up the rift between McGovern and Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley "Mayor Daley is a pro" Eagleton said "He is not the sort of guy who picks up his marbles and goes home" Vice presidential ambition swelled in a dozen hearts Thursday before McGovern made up his mind Fresh from his nomination McGovern met with staff members and advisors including actress Shirley McLaine around a conference table in his penthouse suite Thursday morning At least a dozen names of potential running mates flew back and forth across the table as pros and cons were weighed McGovern friend Sen Abraham If of Comecticut and Florida Gov Renbin Askew joined Kennedy in ruling themselves out of consideration Thursday "I will not accept the vice presidential nomination under any consideration" Ribicoff said "I don't want to be a number two man to anyone" The vice presidential choice his accepance speech and overtures to assuage Old Guard hostility were the principal tasks of McGovern's first day ai candidate McGovern went into 0-invention Hall with an iron grip on more than enough delegates to assure an absolute majority Res to McGovern of 151 disputed California delegates had left him within a few votes of the 1509 He found them and more among the backers of Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie both of whom withdrew Tuesday McGovern went over the top at 11:57 pm Wednesday with 119 votes from a delegation of Illinois insurgents who kid ousted Chicago Mayor Daley nyone" 11 choice and ov- Id Guard principal first day i COnven- 1 grip on egates to lily oven of lie dele- within a 1 509 Ile more If Hubert Ind Mus- withdrew the top day with 'gation of ho hvi Daley ROCK HILL MALL 3746 INDEPENDENCE BLVD FREEDOM VILLAGE Irmea NEXT TO PARK 'N SHOP SHOPPING CENTER ROCK HILL 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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.