Stay with me - Lonniezz (2024)

Clay knew this day would come again.

He doesn't know why he kept allowing himself to cling and cuddle with Bruce knowingly damn well that at the end of his visits, he had a family to go home to. A family that was Bruce's priority.

He knows better but he can't help but get teary eyes thinking about when Bruce will leave. It's one day from then but he can't help it, it's been on his mind ever since the Troll came for his monthly visit.

Clay turns on his other side in his bed frustrated. He wasn't even feeling a little, yet he dreaded the feeling. He needed to grow up for a change and start acting like it wasn't bothering him!

He knew it stupid to rile himself up so soon, but thinking about it made his heart ache. Clay grumbled pulling his blanket over his head eyebrows furrowed in frustration. He wouldn't be so worked up right now if his stupid brain would just shut up!

Clay clenched his eyes bringing a fist to his head. It was a habit that his brothers were trying to get him to break. Because it was wrong to hurt yourself when overworked. He didn't know if was gonna be able to sleep alone tonight.

Eventually, he found himself in front of Floyd's door, hesitant to knock. He took a deep breath before giving the door a couple of knocks, there was awkward silence before the door opened. Floyd appeared drunk with sleep and his hair delveshed.

“Clay?” Floyd yawned confused. He took in Clay's anxious stature, “Did you have a nightmare?-“

“no… I just wanted to know if I could sleep with you..” fretted as his eyes were trained on the floor.

Floyd didn't know if the grogginess was messing with him but Clay seemed off. Like there was more to it. “Are you Little right now? I can go get Bruce if you-“ he offered before getting cut off. He knew that Clay was most comfortable with their older brother.

No! I'm not regressed. Floyd- just please?” Clay shuddered fidgeting with his hands uncomfortably. They stood in silence for a bit before Floyd opened his door to Clay inside. He didn't see a reason to decline his request although he was a bit concerned.

Floyd yawned again slipping back underneath his comforter, he noticed how Clay stood beside it unsure if he was invited in. Floyd snorted with closed eyes patting the bed, “The bed isn't going to come to you itself ya know?” He joked.

Clay's cheeks heated up easily, without a word he crawled onto Floyd's bed laying down on his pillow.

He feels as Floyd offers some of his comforters, laying it over Clay's skimpy body.

Clay forgets how much he loves that comforter, it's fuzzy and glides across his skin in a gentle manner. Feeling like fluffy clouds against his skin. Floyd interrupts the daydream. “Are you sure you're not feeling little?” He asks again, making the other huff dramatically.

“No, I'm not.” Clay understood Floyd's suspicion though. He'd admit it was a bit weird coming here late at night, he rarely slept in Floyd's bed. “I guess I just felt lonely..?” Clay muttered, hugging an arm around himself.

He assumed Floyd ended up falling asleep because it was just silence after. Chewing on his cheek he is staring at the ceiling, having the company of his brother who was supposed to help but his body still feels jittery and his mind doesn't wanna shut off.

Closing his eyelids he tries to force his mind to shut off. He can’t help but frown at the idea of his brothers leaving him. They were tired of taking care of him. He’s a burden.

Subconsciously Clay is squirming underneath the comforter letting out a subtle whimper. Sleepily Floyd is already wrapping an arm around the other's waist pulling him against his body. Clay lies slumped against the other, he must've finally fallen asleep.

He might’ve not regressed but he was acting really strange.


The next morning Floyd had woken up before Clay. His nose twitches at the wafting breakfast in the air, he wants to wake up Clay but he notices how dead asleep he is. The troll looks so exhausted in the face it looks almost uncomfortable.

Floyd slips on his rob before shuffling quietly out of his room letting the door close with a soft click. He sighs in relief before treading into the kitchen, he spots a branch with a cup of coffee leaning against the counter, and he holds out a cup to Floyd thankfully it's tea instead.

Interrupting the peaceful morning silence is John walking in with a dramatic yawn. He scratches his stomach stretching his body as he walks into the kitchen. Floyd cuts his eyes at the older,

“Any louder and you'll wake up Clay.” He cautioned.

“Aren't you two looking pretty,” John smirks looking at his two younger brothers, they seemed to have a similar liking in robes. He found it cute.

“Shut up and eat.” Branch huffed, placing the food out on the table that he prepared. He watches as John sits down before greedily picking up the tongs and loading his plate.

“I've been waiting for this since last night” he rubs his hands together before digging in. Floyd grimaces at the way John eats, he didn't exactly have any table etiquette...

“Huh, where's Clay?” Bruce walked in with his hair slightly damp, it was missing his usual puffiness.

The troll smelled fresh body wash too. Of course, he’d notice the absence of Clay, they were practically glued to the hip whenever they got to be around each other.

“Sleep. He woke me up last night to ask to sleep with me. I thought it was weird but he wasn’t little. ”

Bruce hummed in response, sitting down at the table with his brothers. Floyd's story did sound a little strange but he tried not to get too worried about it.

About 10 minutes into breakfast they finally come Toddling out of Floyd's room and his hair is a mess stuck up in random places. “Morning’ “ he slurs, pulling back the chair as it scraps and squeaks against the ground.

Clay rubs his eyes for a good second while sniffling trying to get the sleep from his eyes. “Did you sleep alright?” Bruce asks as he tries to reach out and brush the hair that was in front of Clay's face, But Clay leans from his touch.

“Yep,” Clays says, popping the p, he manages to scrap what was little leftover from breakfast onto his plate. Bruce retreats his hand a little embarrassed, okay maybe today was an off day!

His brothers recognize the awkward tension and are a bit confused.

“I was thinking Rhonda could use a fresh coat of paint, what do you guys think?” John beams out of nowhere, it makes Branch shake his head pinching the bridge of his nose.

Nice cover John.

Clay's face squeezes in disgust after he takes a fork of eggs in his mouth. “Is it gross? what's wrong?” Bruce asks about being attentive to Clay. Despite Clay's newly dismissive attitude towards him, he couldn't just back off without a push.

“It's cold..” Clay mumbled disappointed. First, he has a sh*tty night of sleep now his breakfast is cold. He officially hates mornings. “Here let me.” Bruce stands up in a chair offering to take Clay's plate to reheat his food.

But Clay decides to be Independent, “I got it.” He stands walking to the microwave. Bruce frowns as he sees Clag leave the table. What was that?

John clears his throat awkwardly standing, “Well I'm gonna…go exercise or something.” He excuses himself before disappearing, apparently, Branch and Floyd had things to do too.

Floyd pats Bruce on the shoulder whispering in his ear, “I don't know what's going with him, but don't let him build up.”

“Also dishes are on you.” He pipes before skipping off to who knows where.

Bruce furrowed his brows as he watched Clay drumming his fingers on the counter as he waited for the microwave. He hated how this day started but he knows he can change it.

“B-Bruce what are you doing, let go.” Clay stammered, The troll had his arms wrapped around Clay's torso making him flushed.

“Why are you being so dismissive? Come on, talk to me.” Clay can feel the shockwaves of Bruce's voice rattle through his body.

“I wanna be alone right now.” He replies uncomfortably, his hands gripping the counter.

“We talked about communication, remember?” Bruce tries using his stern voice to coax Clay but the cards turn.

And you said you wouldn't push me.” Clay deadpanned

That seemed to get Bruce to back off.

“Your right, your right.” Bruce unwraps his arms from Clay's waist taking a few steps back. He was overstepping a bit.

“I won't force you to talk to me, can we at least have some little time?”

He can see Clay's hesitance. This is what Clay was trying to avoid, he thought it would be easier to not regress when Bruce leaves but it's the complete opposite. His body feels tense and he's losing sleep.

“What if I can’t be little..?” Clay mutters.

Bruce just chuckles, “I have my way with things, and that includes getting you to slip.” He lowers his voice talking to Clay in a gentle manner. f*ck.

He could never win a fight against this man.

“First let's finish breakfast, and then maybe a brush to that nest of yours ” Bruce suggests as the Microwave beeps on time.

“Feed me’?” Clay asks with his beady eyes, His tough demeanor fails him and his mind starts to grow fuzzy.

“Anything for you babycakes.”


Later that morning Clay finds himself in Bruce's room, he had a routine for when he was regressed but Bruce thought an early nap would have been resourceful.

Of course, he was going to put up a fight.

Now he's being lulled to sleep. He was laid on. Bruce's chest as the older patted his bottom, he was sleepy not wanting to give in.

“Come on baby, Daddy needs a nap too.” Bruce shushes Clay in a soothing manner, yawning a couple of times. He knows he's gonna miss this when he leaves tomorrow.

Sometimes he wishes he can just pack up Clay's things and force the troll to go home with him, but that's weird, right? Their dynamic is not public but it's just a matter of childhood healing between the brothers.

Any other troll would've thought that they were sick in the head. Bruce wouldn't want it any other way though. Eventually Clays breathes are evened out and he's asleep, Bruce huffs in relief.


Okay, maybe the early nap wasn't the greatest idea, because Clays was cranky when he was awakened the next day. He's pouting on the sofa and still very little and worst of all Bruce is leaving.

Clay knew he was gonna set off a couple of waterworks when the time came. But reality was pushed 2x times harder and he hated it. It wasn't fair.. why would they do him like this? They loved him right?

Clay's lip wobbled as he saw Bruce putting the remaining items in his packed bag that he usually brought when he stayed. They all were in the living room saying their farewells to Bruce as he was about to leave.

And Clay couldn’t take it, as Bruce hugged every one of his siblings goodbye he started to tear up. It wouldn’t be the first time but his tears leaked out more than he would’ve hoped for.

Oh, baby.” Bruce frowns as he wraps his arms around Clay's body. The Little lets his body melt into the others as he grips and cries in Bruce's clothing.

Hearing Clay's cries made his core ache. Every time he had to leave, seeing Clay get upset never got any easier. “It's okay, you're gonna be okay.” He tries reassuring Clay. He pulls his face to get a look at him and surely his shirt is now soaked.

His eyebrows furrowed seeing the steady flow of tears running down Clay's cheeks trying to wipe them away. He doesn’t think he's ever seen the troll so upset before it makes him worried.

Clay choked a couple of times of his cries, “What's got you so worked up?” Bruce asks speaking his mind out loud. They decide to let him cry it out. It continues for some time even getting louder. This didn’t seem like his breakdowns or a tantrum so Bruce ruled them out. But that didn't stop his concern from getting flared up.

“Hey, hey cut the waterworks,” John says standing up from the couch and trying to step in. Clay looks both pale and Flushed in the face almost as if he's hurting. “John calm down, I think something is wrong,” Branch pipes.

He helps Sit both Clay and Bruce on the sofa so they can get him to calm down. By now Clay was a teary and snotty mess but that was the least of their concerns. “Buddy, we need you to breathe, can you calm down for me?” Bruce asks while fanning his face.

But Clay just whines through his tear clenching onto Bruce's shirt like he’d be ripped away at any moment. Bruce frowns moving the little one into his lap, “don’t leave..” He manages to hear coherently through the cries.

“Is that why you’re so upset?” Bruce smiles sadly, he wants to laugh but the amount of tears Clay shedded for something so little was nothing but concerning. He uses the tissues that Floyds hands him to clean Clay's face as best as he can.

Branch returns with a glass of cool water, Bruce takes it leading up to Clay's trembling lips. “Can you please drink this for me bunny?” He tries to get Clay to open up holding the glass in place, after a few hiccups he manages to get him to start drinking it.

Bruce was surprised at how quickly Clay started to wind down. After a couple of sips, he sat the glass on the table end beside him. He continues to rub his back letting Clay nuzzle into his neck. “Can you tell Daddy what's got you so sad?” He murmurs in the littles ear kissing him on the cheek.

Clay's grip on Bruce's shirt tightens once again. “You're leaving me again...” He dreaded.

“Yes,..yes, I am,” Bruce confirms.

“Why can't you stay?” Clay sniffles pulling himself back from Bruce's chest, sitting on his lap he stares at him with teary eyes.

“Honey, I have a family at home you know this..”

You don't love me anymore..” Clay blubbers through teary eyes. He knows he's getting ahead of himself but in his little mind, he feels scared. Unaware of his heart pounding through his chest and his labored breathing Bruce notices.

“No, no. Clay. I do love you!.” Bruce exasperates, pulling Clay in for a hug. He reminds Clay to breathe a couple of times while still feeling the little hyperventilating.

“ ay’..please stay.” Before he knows it Clay is crying again. It makes Bruce cringe a bit seeing his brother's emotions spill so loosely. Whatever's going through Clay's head he knows he can't control, he can only reassure him.

Bruce dont respond but only holds him while patting his back until the little tuckers himself out. He lays slumped and asleep against Bruce's shoulder letting out raspy breaths. Looking at the clock on the wall he knows he needs to leave soon or else he’ll miss his ride.

“I’ll take him.” Floyd offers his arms open. Bruce smiles appreciatively standing up to transfer Clay but his grip is so tight on his shirt it takes Branch assistance in order to get Clay to release.

“We might need a different approach to this, this is unhealthy ” Branch points motions he finger between both Bruce and Clay.

“I don't know what I'm doing wrong, it's like- he's getting worse every time I see him-.” Bruce rants his mind slightly spiraling. A hand planted on his shoulder distracts him.

Standing behind him was John with his packed bag in hand, Bruce sheepishly thanked him before taking it. “We’ll figure it out and stop worrying so much. Muses your such a dad. ” He scoffs.

“Like you know anything,” Bruce playfully bites back.

“Besides, He’s got four other awesome brothers.” John grins with his hands above his head. Bruce chuckles making his way to the elevator, “Have a safe trip. Send us a letter kay?” Branch remarks with his arms folded.

“Of course! Take care of Clay for me.” He smiles back. He gets a glimpse of Clay's sleep relaxed expression, a growing feeling of guilt is gnawing at his stomach but knows he can't stay.

He can only hope that things will get better from here on out. He hopes he just doesn't have to stop seeing Clay especially if it's hurting his mental health everytime he has to leave…

Jeez, talk about separation anxiety.

Stay with me - Lonniezz (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.