Karamelle Cheating Bosses: Treemugger, Jamburglar, and Quake Charmer (2024)

Let's get started with some of the first cheating bosses you'll meet. The very first is in a side quest. Meet Treemugger.

Karamelle Cheating Bosses: Treemugger, Jamburglar, and Quake Charmer (1)

This little pugilist has no minions with him. He's a life boss with a unique cheat (until Jamburglar). Wizards will get stunned on the first turn and have their pips reduced to 0. They will have a special no-pip-generation aura that lasts 99 turns. After every turn, all pips wizards have get wiped out and replaced with a set number of pips according to the number of active wizard turns played so far (from the second turn onward). So, on the second turn, wizards will start with 1 pip, on the third turn, 2 pips, on the fourth, 3 pips, etc. Spending these pips doesn't change how many pips you will have on the following turn. After the eighth turn, the wizards will start experiencing power pips.

Here is an elaboration of the fight and cheats for Treemugger on Wiz Central:http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:Treemugger

It doesn't appear there is any penalty for latecomer wizards, besides that initial stun.

How I soloed - I planned for a fast big hit while dropping sideboard life shields. He does have pierce, and he does like to Wings of Fate, but slowing up his damage enough allows you to take him out in pretty short order. Three blades and a strong attack may be enough, or you can stack some feints. The good thing about the pip mechanic is heals aren't going to hurt your potential to hit on the next turn should you want to. You can keep casting ever increasing heals without penalty.

The next cheating boss is The Quake Charmer.

Karamelle Cheating Bosses: Treemugger, Jamburglar, and Quake Charmer (2)

He's also got a page on Wizard101 Central:http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:The_Quake_Charmer

At the time I started making notes on these bosses, there were no pages up yet, so me adding the cheats here is redundant. But to reduce your click-throughs on my links, the important two cheats are that Quake Charmer frequently free casts Earthquake, and that he will cheat cast a special "bomb" dot that does around 2,000 balance damage when it goes off after the third turn it's on a wizard. It is an AOE dot that does no damage until it expires, and it can be removed via Triage.

Quake Charmer isn't too hard with multiple wizards battling him, but does a good amount of damage for a solo wizard to deal with. Because of his frequent use of Earthquake and tendency to cast big spells, such as Orthrus, Adapt is a very nice aura here. You can opt to spam damage on him, but it is a race against time to hold up against his damage. He can Earthquake two turns in a row, but doesn't do this frequently, so you might try to time your blade casts. Shielding isn't going to do any good, so you can try to stack feints and throw a strong 7 or 8 pip spell on him. Triage in your sideboard can give you an extra turn or 2 of health enough to ensure you can get off your spell. You also still have to deal with his minion so you have to think about how fast you take out Quake Charmer and have enough health to also get his minion.

Next, let's get to the fun little guy known as Jamburglar.

Karamelle Cheating Bosses: Treemugger, Jamburglar, and Quake Charmer (3)

Yes, he's just like that other robble robble guy. He is a shadow school boss, and he has no minions.

It would seem the link for him is only a stub (http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:Jamburglar), so let me write out what I know of his cheats.

He has a similar mechanic to Treemugger, but in this case, you start with maximum pips that never get replenished (the Impede spell aura). You are also stunned on the first round. Easy to deal with as a full group of wizards, but as solo, there are some tricky elements to him.

The biggest besides the finite pips for your battle is that he cheat casts a shadow version of Power Nova every turn, and its damage is a percentage of your total health (between 18% and 20%? maybe?). This wound up dealing around a thousand damage to me every turn. It also strikes him! I think this kills universal traps like Feint that may be on him, but I'm not super positive about that. Trial and error. (edit, see below) Being that he's shadow, shielding isn't going to do much good, and on a Reddit forum, I read that he has strong pierce, so resistance gear won't do much good. However, from play, my resist did help me out, so having resist isn't bad. Tower Shields are likely a waste of time unless you go in with super high universal resist. Huh. Just a thought. High resist, Brace to reduce damage, Tower Shield spam... well, the Towers may not work, because I just playtested the fight, and Feint's were not used up on his self-strike from Power Nova.

This is how I beat him solo during my playtest. I went in with various Fireblades and Feints to see if he dispelled the blades (he did not) and if Feints got used on the self-strikes (edit: they were not). I finished with only a hundred health, so be prepared for lots of damage. I had in Fire Dragon, S'More Machine, and Scion of Fire, and threw in a couple Fuel to trigger the Scion. The Fuels and Feints were a mistake, because that took me under the pip threshold to cast Scion. Loading up enough traps to trigger the Scion special critical is a waste of time, as you'll die before you can get your cast off. Double Feint will also take you out of Scion casting, since none of your pips regenerate. Double or even triple Feint is a viable strategy if you are casting an 8 pip spell. Shadow spells, however, are likely not going to save you unless you generate those shadow pips fast. What I eventually wound up with was a regular Feint, a Potent Fuel, as Sharpened Fireblade, a regular Fireblade, and hit with an Epic Fire Dragon. Jamburglar had already take around 4k damage from self-inflicted Power Novas, and my hit did not outright kill him, but he died on the dragon's dot, which is good, because I wouldn't have survived another hit.

There's the first three cheating Karamelle bosses. More to soon follow.

Karamelle Cheating Bosses: Treemugger, Jamburglar, and Quake Charmer (2024)


Is Karamelle a hard world? ›

Personally I feel Empyrea is where a happy medium was found, but it wouldn't last because Karamelle, at launch, is again considered one of the easiest worlds with only a couple troublesome bosses. Point is, difficulty in this game is all over the place.

What is the quest after Karamelle? ›

Lemuria is after Karamelle, and you need to beat the storm titan to get to Karamelle, so by the transitive property one can deduce you must defeat the storm titan to get to Lemuria. Catacombs is side content, so not required, although recommended.

How to start Karamelle w101? ›

Quests to Unlock Karamelle: To begin play in Karamelle, Wizards must have completed the Empyrea storyline and finished the quest Nothing to Fear. The new world begins with the quest Better Recognize from Fitzhume in the Arcanum.

What is the easiest school in wizard101? ›

If you're looking for quickest, and don't mind dying every so often: , preferably with secondary. P.S. Parts of Khrysalis can be next to impossible to solo, period. Level 100 , 50 , and a in Celestia somewhere. Death is the best school for solo play and I see tons of players leveling as death because of this.

What level is Karamelle? ›

Karamelle has level 140 gear divided in different sets (without set bonuses, sadly).

Will completing Ranni's quest end the game? ›

I'll refrain from revealing anything significant, but be warned that Ranni's quest can affect Elden Ring's ending. Simply completing the quest won't lock you into anything, though. Without getting into too much detail, there are three possible major endings in Elden Ring.

What is the next crafting quest after Khrysalis? ›

Once you finish your khrysalis crafting you go straight to the arcanum to get your final crafting badge. You don't have to craft anything to get the Champion Crafter badge. Just walk up to the Fire school teacher, (The one in the Arcanum) read a book and you get the badge.

How do you grind levels in Wizard 101? ›

Find a high-level friend.

If you can join up with a few high-level wizards, they can teleport you to one of the later dungeons. You won't need to participate in the fights, but you will still gain all of their experience. By using this method, you can go from level 1 to level 18 in just a few minutes.

What is the minimum age for wizard101? ›

as implied by the rating (e10), the game is for all ages 10 and up. this means that,by the age of 10, most children are emotionally mature enough to discern between fantasy and reality, and that those who can't (or who aren't old enough) should not be playing unless closely supervised by an adult.

Who is the hardest boss in Wizard City? ›

Lord Nightshade's got to be the hardest if you don't have a really advanced wizard like you did on your team. Re: What Boss Was The Easiest/Hardest?

What level is karamelle? ›

Karamelle has level 140 gear divided in different sets (without set bonuses, sadly).

How hard is sunken city wizard101? ›

Any character under 20 would have a seriously difficult time of it. The hardest parts would be the initial street battle (VERY difficult to sneak past the first set of ghosts), and the final encounter with Grubb. (Yeah, ok, technically that was a *spoiler*, but who can't see it coming?) Re: Can You Solo Sunken City ?

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