How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (2024)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (1)

Whether you're starting a new business or improving existing business processes, you’ll need a detailed market analysis. Not having a proper assessment of your market will make it difficult, if not impossible, to achieve your business goals.

On top of that, you'll end up leaving money, customers and growth opportunities on the table. And your competitors will grasp it.

A market analysis tells you everything you need to know about your industry, competitors, customers that directly affect the growth of your business.

According to Think with Google, 40% of marketers leverage consumer research to make decisions. Getting it right with market analysis helps you make sound decisions, putting you a step ahead of your competitors.

Conducting a market analysis might appear daunting and complex. We've created this guide to discuss what a market analysis is, the components of market analysis and templates to help you create your own.

Let's get to it.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit market analysis templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

Table of Contents

  • What Is a Market Analysis?
  • Benefits of a Market Analysis
  • What Are the Components of a Market Analysis?
  • 9 Market Analysis Templates
  • How to Conduct a Market Analysis
  • Get to Work: Create Market Analysis with Visme

Quick Read

  • A market analysis is a detailed assessment of the market for a product, service or business.
  • Market analysis are vital for making informed decisions, staying up to date with emerging trends, developing the right offerings for your market, forecasting potential revenue and gauging business performance.
  • A market analysis is composed of an industry description and outlook, a market description, market trends, a competitive analysis, key success factors, market projections and environmental factors.
  • To conduct an analysis of the market, you must define your objective, identify your target market, gather competitor data, assess market trends, do a SWOT analysis and summarize the findings into a market analysis document.
  • Take advantage of all the business features available in the editor to create your market analysis.
  • Access an extensive library of templates, integrated analytics, collaboration and workflow features, plus millions of design assets right at your fingertips to streamline your business process.

What Is a Market Analysis?

A market analysis is an assessment of the industry or market for a product, service, or business. This analysis gives you an overview of all the elements that affect your specific market. Analyzing your market or industry helps you:

  • Assess the attractiveness of the market
  • Uncover opportunities for growth
  • Develop strategies to overcome obstacles and edge out the competition
  • Better position your business to serve customers right

A market analysis isn't just for writing business plans or marketing plans. It can be conducted as part of activities for launching new products or services, diversifying into new industries, or revamping your current business strategy.

For example, let's say you're looking for a gap in the market to create a new product or service. A thorough market analysis can point you in the right direction of what's most in demand.

A market analysis isn't a one-time event. If you want your efforts to be successful, keep your market knowledge up-to-date using a marketing dashboard.

You can use a marketing analysis at different stages of your business. It can be helpful to conduct it once or twice a year to keep up to date with major changes in the market.

With a detailed marketing analysis, you can gather valuable insights into:

  • The size of the market in terms of value and volume
  • Potential customer segments
  • Demand for products or services and buying patterns
  • The purchasing habits of customers
  • Barriers to entry
  • Regulations
  • Competition (including their strengths and weaknesses)
  • The overall market dynamics that influence the prices of products
  • Forces affecting the behaviors of industry players and customers

5 Benefits of a Market Analysis

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A market analysis is valuable to your marketing deck. It provides a core understanding of your market and puts your business in the driving seat for success.

Here are some of the other reasons you need a market analysis for your business.

1. Make Informed Decisions

A market analysis gives you insight into market trends, competitors and key success factors. You're able to spot risks, threats and opportunities for growth. This information helps you develop a targeted business strategy and make the right decisions to drive growth.

2. Stay Up to Date With Emerging Trends

By conducting market analysis, you can stay on top of industry trends and see what your competitors aren't seeing. Taking advantage of this information puts you a step ahead of other players in your industry.

3. Develop the Right Offerings for Your Market

Market research and analysis involve listening to the market and communicating with customers. While conducting market analysis, you want to identify these things.

  • Who or what influences their purchase decisions?
  • What do they expect from brands?
  • Why do customers choose your products over those of your competition?
  • How do your customers use your products and how do they meet their needs?
  • Does your product have the right product-market fit?

You are better positioned to provide targeted solutions when you have a firm grasp of what customers want. Plus, you can use that information to tailor your business's offerings to your customers' needs.

While building your market analysis, use Google Analytics to assess how your website visitors are reacting to your product and service offerings. Analyze data like where they’re finding your products, how long they’re spending on your pages and where they’re dropping off. Visualize the Google Analytics data in your market analysis report with the help of Visme's integration with Google Analytics.

4. Forecast Potential Revenue and Future Earnings

A market forecast is a critical component of marketing analysis. It predicts the trends, financial projections and characteristics of your target market.

This forecast gives you an idea of what revenue, cost and profit margins to expect. You can tweak your business plan and budget accordingly.

5. Gauge Business Performance

Without metrics, it can be challenging to gauge your business performance. This is where a market analysis comes in handy. It provides benchmarks for measuring your business performance against other companies in your niche.

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  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (10)

What Are the Components of a Market Analysis?

A market analysis gives you a holistic view of the industries you’re interested in or currently operating in. The components of your market analysis should include:

  • Industry description and outlook
  • A description of your target market and trends
  • Analysis of key competitors
  • Key success factors in your industry
  • Projections
  • Environmental Factors

Let’s look at each of these components in more detail.

1. Industry Description and Outlook

When preparing your market analysis, you want to conduct an in-depth analysis of your industry to determine the current state and your industry's future.
This section should have the following information:

  • What the industry offers
  • Size of your industry
  • Emerging trends in the industry
  • Rate of growth and the potential for growth
  • Sustainability of the industry

These measures give a broad overview of your industry. For example, let’s say your business is operating in the software industry. You'll want to describe how large the industry is, the current growth rate and the projected growth rate over the next few years.

To gather statistics, reports and studies about your industry, leverage credible sources like:

  • Government agencies
  • Trade associations
  • Local chamber of commerce

2. Market Description

In this section, you want to narrow down your data to focus on the specific market you're operating in.

From the software example above, the target market could be a specific niche within the software industry, like the finance or productivity software market.

By digging into the specifics of your target population, you're able to forecast how viable the market is and how profitable it will be to sell your solution to these customers. You'll also decide the best strategy to get value from this specific market.

Notice how the infographic template below provides detailed market analysis data about the virtual reality (VR) market.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (11)

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3. Market Trends

Once you grasp your market description, double down on the occurrences that impact your industry over time. These trends could be short-term, intermediate and long-term.

Here you want to hone in to see how your market started, how it has evolved and where it's headed.

Why is this important? Monitoring the trends that affect your business ensures you aren't caught off-guard. Plus, it keeps you a step ahead of your competitors.

Here are some of the trends you'll have to keep an eye on:

  • Changes in consumer preferences
  • Change in market demographics
  • Technological advancements
  • Demand for specific products or services
  • The supplier's influence over prices
  • Price fluctuations and sensitivity

Not sure how to monitor trends unique to your target market? Here are some ideas:

  • Read industry publications. Browse websites like Think with Google, Google Trends, Pew Research Center and US Census Business Data. They can provide a bigger picture of your market, consumer behavior and how it relates to the economy.
  • Leverage industry trends analytics. You'll find a huge repository of data about past and current trends in your markets.
  • Observe your competitors. If your major competitors are going in a particular direction in the market, they probably have access to insights that you don't have. Observing them can help you make more informed decisions.
  • Attend industry events. Network with industry leaders and other relevant people and subscribe to newsletters.

Identifying market trends is mostly about keeping your ears to the ground and listening out for approaching shifts in your industry. As you explore these trends, you should track how your offerings align, fit in, or operate counter to the trends.

4. Competitive Analysis

Analyzing your competitive landscape involves identifying who your competitors are and where they stack up against you.

The competitive analysis gives a bird's eye view of:

  • Who your direct and indirect competitors are
  • Their products' quality and pricing
  • Their marketing strategy and overall business strategy
  • What makes your competitors stand out
  • What your competitors' strengths and weaknesses are
  • What enables you to outperform your competitors?

The beauty of competitive analysis is that it gives you a clearer idea of what you're up against. You can identify aspects of your business that need improvement to enable you to measure up or stay competitive in your industry.

Here's an excellent example of competitive data for your market analysis.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (12)

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Much like market trends, the competitive landscapes for various markets change over time. And depending on what metrics you're looking at, you may get different results. Hence the need to make your competitive analysis an ongoing process.

Let's look at the various ways you can analyze the competitive environment.

Investigate Your Competitors

You can check out your competitors, websites, social media pages, news, press releases and other marketing content. You can even shop from them, read testimonials and reviews and conduct surveys. You're sure to have a clearer idea of why customers buy from them or what makes them stand out.

Using Porter’s Five Forces

Porter's Five Forces analyzes five major competitive forces that shape every market. They include:

  • The bargaining power of suppliers
  • The bargaining power of buyers
  • The competitive rivalry
  • The threat of substitute products
  • The threat of new entrants

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Bargaining power of suppliers analyses the number of suppliers in your industry and how easy it is to raise their prices. Suppliers have more power when they are fewer and raising prices can impact your profitability.

Bargaining power of buyers examines the influence that buyers have on prices and quality. Consumers have control when they are fewer. And because there are multiple sellers, they can easily switch to your rivals.

Competitive rivalry describes how intense the competition is in your market. Here you want to find out the following:

  • How many competitors exist in the market?
  • What is the quality and quantity of their offering compared to yours?

The threat of substitute products examines how easy it is for customers to switch to competing products. Customers will often find cheaper substitutes that cut their expenses, which may, in turn, affect your profitability.

The threat of new entrants examines how easy or difficult it is for new businesses to join your market. The easier it is for new firms to enter your market, the greater the number of competitors and the smaller your market share.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is an excellent framework for evaluating your competitive position and making strategic decisions. This framework organizes your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your business into a simple two-by-two grid.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to your company. They include things you can change or have some control over. Examples include your team, intellectual property, patents, location and other resources.

Opportunities and threats are external. These are things that happen in the larger market. Essentially, you have no control over them. Examples include customer shopping trends, competitors, increasing demand for certain products, prices of raw materials and economic growth or decline.

Use the SWOT analysis template below as a guide to build on your strengths, address your weaknesses, seize new opportunities and minimize threats or risks.

Strategic Group Analysis

This tool also effectively analyzes the rivalry among competitors within your industry. It groups companies and analyzes their competitive positions based on common characteristics such as:

  • Company size
  • Product quality and features
  • Number of market segments served
  • Distribution channels
  • Product and service diversity
  • Price policy
  • Technological position
  • Vertical integration
  • Financial or operating leverage

5. Key Success Factors

The key success factors in any industry include those competitive factors that impact the ability of businesses to thrive in the marketplace. These factors may include:

  • Resources
  • Competitive capabilities
  • Management
  • Product and service attributes
  • Operational strategies
  • Marketing strategies
  • Financing
  • People and processes

By evaluating key success factors, you can:

  • Grasp the key elements you need to compete in your target market and become sustainable.
  • Identify your areas of strength and where you need improvement.
  • Identify pathways to achieve your business goals and objectives.
  • Ensure the success and continued growth of your business.

If you're starting your business, find out what the top players in your industry are doing right. Check out their business model and how they structure their business in response to changing business environments.

6. Market Projections

This section should project financial forecasts, future numbers and trends in your target market. Here you want to hone in on significant numbers like:

  • Market segments
  • Market size and value
  • Projected sales volume
  • Average purchase value per customer
  • Market share
  • Pricing structure
  • Gross and net margin within the industry

To get a near-accurate projection, you'll have to combine information from multiple sources including:

  • Market trends
  • Competitor analysis
  • Customer descriptions and
  • Purchase behavior

While forecasting your market, avoid making educated guesses that don't add up. Rather collect data from reliable sourcres.

Tools like Statista and Euromonitor provide detailed forecasts and market information relevant to different industries.

Check out how this graphic highlights key market data and projections.

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7. Environmental Factors

These are outside factors that exert an external influence on your business. They include economic, social, political, legal and technological factors.

Although you have limited control of these factors, you must study and include them in your market analysis.

Why's that? They can improve or disrupt your business processes.

Having a bird's eye view of these factors from different angles lets you identify and resolve the problems they can cause.

One of the most popular ways to measure environmental factors is the PESTLE analysis model. Here are some things to consider when carrying out a PESTLE analysis.

  • Social factors in your business environment. They include lifestyle trends, demographic considerations, socio-economic status, location, consumer beliefs and values.
  • The political climate. These include government policies, free trade disputes, taxation, laws, competition regulations, import restrictions, fiscal policy initiatives .
  • Economic factors. They include interest rates, foreign exchange rates and economic policies.
  • Technological innovations and trends likely to affect the market, such as automation, cybersecurity, 5G and the internet of things (IoT).
  • Legal factors include employment laws, intellectual property laws, safety standards and consumer protection laws.
  • Environmental considerations like carbon footprint, climate change impacts, extreme weather events.

9 Market Analysis Templates

Now you know the components that go into detailed market analysis. The next step is to create it for your next marketing presentation.

Let's look at some of our editable templates for creating your market analysis.

1. Market Analysis

Whether you're starting a new business or switching up your business strategy, this market analysis presentation template is an excellent starting point. It provides a perfect structure for uncovering, analyzing and reporting trends in your target market.

The template features an overview page that enables you to summarize key information. The following page uses unique data widgets like pie charts, bar charts, maps and line graphs to summarize important data like:

  • Global trends
  • Survey results
  • Survey results by country
  • Trends over time
  • Key takeaways

This market analysis example is fully editable, making it a perfect fit for businesses in any industry. Simply plug in your data, figures and statistics and other important market data.

Visme has a rich library of built-in shapes, icons, stock photos, videos and animations. Feel free to make this template your own by adding your logo and changing the fonts, colors, images and videos. You have everything to ignite your creative spark and make a solid impression on your audience.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (26)

2. SWOT Analysis

This beautiful SWOT analysis template gives investors and other key stakeholders a detailed view of your business' competitive landscape.

The 4-page presentation captures your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. At a glance, you'll have a clearer view of where your brand sits within the wider market and identify potential growth opportunities.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (27)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (28)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (29)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (30)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (31)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (32)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (33)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (34)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (35)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (36)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (37)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (38)

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A SWOT analysis is a company-wide activity and requires collaborative efforts. You want to consider your SWOT from many angles and ensure nothing is left out. Our software makes it super-easy for you to collaborate with your team to conduct your SWOT analysis.

You can set up a workspace for your organization and invite team members to collaborate and manage roles from your dashboard.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (39)

Team members can make changes, drop comments and more.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (40)

What's more, your SWOT analysis doesn't have to be some boring document staring at your audience. Spice it up with interactivity by adding animations, videos, images and graphics.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (41)

You can share that document with your audience via a link that automatically updates when you change the design or content.

3. Competitive Analysis

To capture a sizable share of your market, you must determine how you stack up against your competitors in your market. Whether you're analyzing a competitor's business-level strategy, market share, target market, or competitive advantage, this market research template offers side-by-side comparison in an infographic layout. It also centralizes your market analysis in a single location, making it accessible to your team for decision making.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (49)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (50)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (51)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (52)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (53)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (54)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (55)

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The data illustrations and beautiful icons, pictures and graphics make the template visually appealing. You can engage your readers and quickly grab their attention with this colorful competitive analysis template.

Feel free to tweak fonts and colors and add logos to showcase your brand image.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (56)

When creating with the Visme editor, take advantage of all the features that Visme AI has to offer. Create complete documents from a text prompt with the AI Document Generator, get help writing headers and text with the AI Writer.

Craft unique visuals with the AI Image Generator, remove backgrounds to create cutouts from photos with the AI Background Remover, and edit your images with the integrated AI Edit Tools.

4. Marketing SWOT Analysis

With this professional SWOT analysis infographic, you can visualize that information in an immersive and engaging way. Visme's intuitive drag-and-drop editor lets you whip up beautiful documents using your design ideas.

This marketing analysis template lets you easily swap the existing fonts, images, icons and texts and opt for more vibrant colors for your document.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (57)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (58)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (59)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (60)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (61)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (62)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (63)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (64)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (65)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (66)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (67)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (68)

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Work on this SWOT analysis together with your team using Visme’s workflow feature. Assign each section to one team member at a time and see what ideas they come up with. Then, assign the others until several people have added their input to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then, check it together to see what stands out the most and finalize the graphic.

5. Market Segmentation

Market segmentation lets you identify different groups within your target market. You can maximize your efforts by delivering more targeted offerings to them. Use this attractive market assessment template to share information about the characteristics of your market segments.

The template showcases these key elements of your market analysis.

  • Short induction of your product, service, or solution
  • Company profile
  • The problem statement and what you're looking to achieve with the market segment
  • Demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation
  • Value proposition statement

The template is fully customizable. So you can edit this marketing presentation deck to match your business. Tweak the design, typefaces, visuals and other elements to suit your taste.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (69)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (70)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (71)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (72)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (73)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (75)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (77)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (80)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (81)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (84)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (85)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (86)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (87)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (88)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (89)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (90)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (91)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (92)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (93)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (95)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (96)

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How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (99)

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (100)

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6. Industry Trends

Explore the events that will change the trajectory of your industry with this striking industry trends infographic template. Using this template, you can present a brand infographic on patterns relating to price, sales, consumption, buying behavior, marketing and other areas in your industry.

You don't need professional design experience to tweak this template into an informative marketing deck. Visme's professional online editor and customizable templates give you a creative edge. You can personalize this template to reflect your company's branding by adding logos, icons, colors and fonts relevant to your messaging.

Using Visme's brand kit feature, you can save your corporate brand and apply it to any project with a few clicks. Upload your logos, color palettes, fonts and other design assets and your brand kit will be set up within seconds.

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7. Competitor Analysis Worksheet

This marketing deck worksheet is a huge time saver. It has everything you need to organize and communicate the details of your competitive research.

While the SWOT we discussed earlier focuses on your brand, this one is different. This SWOT analysis sheds light on your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strengths.

The template has a minimalist design and a simplistic layout. However, Visme gives you the creative freedom to cut, copy and paste anything you like until you are satisfied with the final version.

Once done, you can easily share your competitor analysis worksheet with relevant stakeholders using a link that automatically updates when you change your design. You can also embed your content on your website or blog using a code or download it in PDF, PNG, PowerPoint and HTML5 file formats.

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8. Market Share

Build your market analysis and share relevant information about market segments, market share, size and opportunities using this beautiful template.

The template will help inform your business plan and strategy and communicate the size of the opportunity to potential investors.

Visme has thousands of designs, fonts, stock images, themes and assets to make your infographic pop. Make this template your own by adding new text and images and bold headings to emphasize titles. Customize your color scheme, icons and fonts and watch your infographic transform into a compelling graphic.

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Not convinced? Take a look at what small business owner Jessica L. has to say;

No need to go back to PowerPoint. Visme makes project presentations easy and fast. Lots of useful templates and excellent graphics. I enjoy the features they continue to add and update often. They make project work easy.

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Jessica L

Small Business Owner

9. SWOT Analysis Infographics

Break down competitor information with this customizable SWOT analysis that leaves an impression on your audience.

This SWOT marketing infographic is fully editable. You can spice up your infographics by adding your brand colors, typefaces and high-quality icons and images, all sourced from Visme's extensive collections of design assets.

If you want to present facts and data, Visme has your back. Our software has a wide variety of interactive tools and data widgets, including graphs, maps, charts, pictograms and much more. You can also make your infographic dynamic by adding animated characters, illustrations and clickable icons with customizable repetitions, speed and colors.

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How to Conduct a Market Analysis

Step 1: Define your objective

Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with the market analysis, whether it’s launching a new product or entering a different demographic.

Step 2: Identify your target market

Pinpoint the specific group of customers you intend to serve, considering demographics, psychographics and buying behavior.
Use Visme feedback forms to assess how your product or service is helping your current clients and pinpoint issues early on.

Step 3: Gather relevant data on competitors

Research competitors and conduct a market share analysis of their pricing strategies, market positioning, and key strengths and weaknesses.

Step 4: Assess market trends and dynamics

Stay informed about current and emerging trends, economic factors, and industry changes that may impact your market. Use a marketing dashboard that includes all the vital metrics your team wants to track.

Step 5: Do a SWOT analysis

Evaluate your internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats to develop a comprehensive understanding of your position in the market. Anticipate challenges that may arise, allowing for proactive planning.

Step 6: Summarize findings to inform strategic decisions

Consolidate your analysis into actionable insights to guide business strategies and decision-making. Use Visme to help you create a market analysis document that’s impactful and easy to follow. Then, share it with your team using Visme’s different sharing and publishing options like PDF, HTML5 or a digital flipbook.

Create Your Market Analysis with Visme

One of the biggest setbacks you'll face in business is lacking an understanding of your industry or target market. That's where a market analysis becomes useful and having a detailed one will save you the heartache.

It gives you a bird's eye view of market conditions, competitors, consumer behavior and other factors that impact your business.

Without detailed market analysis, you'll miss out on growth opportunities, make poor business decisions and lose out to your competitors.

A market analysis isn't a one-off activity. You need to make it an ongoing process. We recommend using Visme's market analysis template to collect and share detailed information about your market. Best of all, you don't need to be a professional designer to know how to use our tool.

How to Write a Market Analysis: Guidelines & Templates (2024)


How to format a market analysis? ›

Putting it all together: Tips for writing your market analysis
  1. Include a summary.
  2. Add graphics. Charts and graphs are great ways to show metrics and statistics.
  3. Be concise. Get to the point early, and avoid repetition and fluff. ...
  4. Keep everything in the context of your business.

What are the 7 steps needed to conduct a market analysis? ›

If you want to learn how to do a market analysis, here are some steps you can follow:
  • Set the purpose of the study. Determine the purpose of your market analysis first. ...
  • Get the industry outlook. ...
  • Focus on target customers. ...
  • Study the competition. ...
  • Gather additional information. ...
  • Analyze the findings. ...
  • Take action.
Jul 5, 2023

What are the guidelines in doing a market analysis? ›

To conduct an analysis of the market, you must define your objective, identify your target market, gather competitor data, assess market trends, do a SWOT analysis and summarize the findings into a market analysis document.

How do you write a simple market analysis? ›

How to do a market analysis in 6 steps
  1. Research your industry. ...
  2. Investigate the competitive landscape. ...
  3. Identify market gaps. ...
  4. Define your target market. ...
  5. Identify barriers to entry. ...
  6. Create a sales forecast.
Mar 26, 2024

What is a market analysis template? ›

A market analysis template is used to understand an evaluation of products or services offered by a particular company in a particular marketplace. Either embed it to your website, share it as a stand-alone or QR code.

What does a market analysis report look like? ›

A typical market research report begins with a summary, then is followed by a more detailed introduction. After describing the participants and outlining the methodology of the market research, a mix of text, graphs, and charts summarizes the findings.

What are the 4 Ps of market analysis? ›

The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by marketers to achieve their marketing objectives.

What are the three core components of a market analysis? ›

We can divide a market analysis into three main buckets:
  • Market Size: finding the sweet spot. Here's a scenario: a manufacturer of bathtubs is looking to enter a new market, so they select China. ...
  • Competitive Analysis: can you beat the competition? ...
  • Local business environment: will you have any barriers to entry?

What is market analysis in simple words? ›

What is market analysis? Market analysis is a detailed assessment of your business's target market and the competitive landscape within a specific industry. This analysis lets you project the success you can expect when you introduce your brand and its products to consumers within the market.

What are the guidelines for writing an analysis? ›

The following steps can help you format and write your analysis:
  • Choose your argument.
  • Define your thesis.
  • Write the introduction.
  • Write the body paragraphs.
  • Add a conclusion.
Jul 31, 2023

How to create a marketing analysis report? ›

We'll go over how to create marketing reports to help you make better decisions and benefit your audience.
  1. Outline the Purpose of Your Marketing Report. ...
  2. Know Your Audience. ...
  3. Gather Your Data. ...
  4. Write Your Report. ...
  5. Visualize Your Data. ...
  6. Pay Attention to Design. ...
  7. Leverage Ready-to-Use Marketing Report Templates.
Aug 8, 2022

What is the methodology of market analysis? ›

Conducting market analysis involves defining the target audience, analyzing competition, understanding market trends, determining market size and growth potential, and analyzing pricing and costs. Tools like surveys, interviews, and data analysis are often used.

What 5 steps should be followed to conduct a market analysis? ›

How to Run a Competitive Market Analysis
  1. Identify Your Competition. This may sound basic, but if you don't know who you are up against, how will you know how to outperform them? ...
  2. Audit Their Content. ...
  3. Examine Their Website and Analyze Their SEO Content Focus. ...
  4. Take a Plunge Into Social Media. ...
  5. Evaluate Your Next Steps.
Feb 22, 2019

How do you write an easy analysis? ›

How to Write an Analytical Essay in 6 Simple Steps
  1. Step 1: Decide on Your Stance. Before diving into writing, it's crucial to establish your stance on the topic. ...
  2. Step 2: Write Your Thesis Statement. ...
  3. Step 3: Write Topic Sentences. ...
  4. Step 4: Create an Outline. ...
  5. Step 5: Write Your First Draft. ...
  6. Step 6: Revise and Proofread.
Apr 30, 2024

How do you write a good short analysis? ›

8 Steps to Write a Great Literary Analysis Essay
  1. Read the text carefully. ...
  2. Brainstorm a topic. ...
  3. Collect and interpret the evidence. ...
  4. Write a thesis. ...
  5. Develop and organize your arguments. ...
  6. Write a rough draft. ...
  7. Refine your arguments and review. ...
  8. Get another opinion and finalize.

How do you write a market place analysis? ›

Follow our seven-step process to analyze any market.
  1. Determine the Purpose of Your Analysis. ...
  2. Research Your Market's Overall Landscape. ...
  3. Analyze the Competition. ...
  4. Get to Know Your Target Audience. ...
  5. Gain Deeper Insights Into Your Audience's Needs and Preferences. ...
  6. Perform a SWOT Analysis. ...
  7. Put Your Findings to Work.
Feb 26, 2024

What is the format of market structure? ›

The four popular types of market structures include perfect competition, oligopoly market, monopoly market, and monopolistic competition. Market structures show the relations between sellers and other sellers, sellers to buyers, or more.

How do you format a business analysis? ›

You should follow the standard format of a business analysis report, which typically consists of the following sections: executive summary, introduction, methodology, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and appendices.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.