ESOL | Chemeketa Community College (2024)

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  • Yamhill Valley Campus

Let us help you succeed.

GED & ESOL at Yamhill Valley

Brush up on your academic skills, prepare for your General Educational Development (GED) tests, develop English language skills, and prepare to transition into college credit courses.

We offer–

  • Morning and evening classes
  • Individualized instruction
  • Classroom instruction
  • Helpful, caring staff

Call503.472.9482 for more information.

  • GED

    GED Prep Classes

    Chemeketa Yamhill Valley Campus offers classes that help prepare students to take the 4 GED tests (General Educational Development):

    • Mathematical Reasoning
    • Reasoning through Language Arts
    • Social Studies
    • Science

    GED Prep Program Class Information

    Term Date:

    • Summer Term | June 24 - July 27, 2024

    Class Formats - Classes are being offered in two formats, in-person & remotely (Zoom). Remote classes will be at the same time as the in-person classes, hosted live through Zoom.

    • Students who want to take classes remotely must have a computer/laptop/Chromebook with access to a video camera and microphone.Phones and tablets will not work for this format.
    • The college library has a limited number of Chromebooks/laptops/internet hotspots available for checkout each term, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    GED Prep Program Costs-

    • The class fee is $120 per 11 week term (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
    • Summer term fee is $60 for a 5 week long term
    • CASAS testing fee is $25 (one-time fee)

    GED Official Testing

    All GED testing in Oregon is scheduled & takes place at Pearson Vue testing centers. There are official Pearson Vue testing centers at some of Chemeketa’s campuses/centers. Visit for more information about testing. Each exam costs $44. All four exams cost $176.

    GED Enrollment Process for Students ages 18+

    1. Apply for Admission

    • Takes approximately 5-10 business days to process
    • Be sure to select "I want to get my GED" for education goal
    • In-person support available

    2. Attend an Orientation - Call 503.472.9482 to schedule or stop by campus.

    • Returning students do not need to complete an orientation if they completed an orientation within the last four terms (1 year)

    3. Complete CASAS Testing - (Scheduling will occur at the orientation)

    • Students will need to bring a Photo ID
    • Returning students who have not tested in 120+ days will need to complete testing again

    4. Register & Pay for Classes

    • Registration & payment instructions will be sent to the Chemeketa student email address or a student can register on campus
    • Payment is due at the time of registration

    5. Get a Student ID

    • Available at the Student Services Desk | Building 1 - First Floor
    • Students will need an ID & student ID number

    6. Attend the First Class

    • Schedule is available at my.chemeketa – under “schedule”

    GED Enrollment Process for Students ages 16 or 17

    1. Complete the Underage Admission Application -underage approval packet

    • The consent form needs to be signed off by the parent/guardian and by a counselor or administrator at the local high school (even if you do not attend the local high school). You can email the completed and signed Underage Approval Packet (16-17) toYamhill Valley Student Services.
    • Please allow 5 -7 days prior to the orientation for the paperwork to be processed
    • Be sure to select "I want to get my GED" for education goal

    2. Attend an Orientation- Call 503.472.9482 to schedule or stop by campus.

    • Returning students do not need to complete an orientation if they completed an orientation within the last four terms (1 year)

    3.Register & Pay for Classes

    • Registration & payment instructions will be sent to the Chemeketa student email address or a student can register on campus
    • Payment is due at the time of registration

    4. Get a Student ID

    • Available at the Student Services Desk | Building 1 - First Floor
    • Students will need an ID & student ID number

    5. Attend the First Class

    • The schedule is available at my.chemeketa – under “schedule”

    If you have further questions, please visit Yamhill Valley Campus or call 503.472.9482

  • GED En Español

    Clases de preparación para el GED

    Chemeketa Yamhill Valley Campus ofrece clases, enseñadas en español, que ayudan a preparar a los estudiantes para tomar los 4 exámenes del GED (Desarrollo Educativo General):

    • Razonamiento matemático
    • Razonamiento a través de las artes del lenguaje
    • Ciencias Sociales
    • Ciencias

    Información sobre las clases de preparación para el GED

    Desafortunadamente, actualmente no podemos ofrecer nuestros cursos de preparación para el GED en español debido a la baja inscripción.

    Complete este formulario y avísenos si está interesado en tomar clases de preparación para el GED en español aquí en Yamhill Valley Campus y haremos todo lo posible para recuperar el curso si vemos una necesidad en nuestra comunidad. Completar este formulario lo coloca en una lista de espera, nos comunicaremos con usted por teléfono y/o correo electrónico si tenemos suficiente interés para ofrecer un curso. Cuando complete el formulario, recibirá una respuesta por correo electrónico con algunos materiales de preparación GED incluidos para el autoaprendizaje. Valoramos su interés y esperamos poder ofrecer estos cursos nuevamente en un futuro cercano.

    Costos de las clases de preparación para el GED

    • Matrícula de la clase es $105/término

    Exámenes Oficiales del GED

    Todos los exámenes de GED en Oregón se programan a través y se realizan en los centros de exámenes de Pearson Vue. Hay centros de exámenes en cuatro de los campus/centros de Chemeketa. para obtener más información sobre los exámenes. Cada examen cuesta $44. Los cuatro exámenes cuestan $176.

    Proceso de inscripción para el programa de GED

    1. Completar la solicitud de admisión -

    • Tarda aproximadamente de 5 - 10 días en procesarse
    • Asegúrese de seleccionar "I want to get my GED" para el objetivo de educación
    • Apoyo en persona disponible

    2.Asistir a la Orientación

    • Para programar pase por el campus o llame al 503.472.9482
    • Los estudiantes que ya se presentaron a una orientación, no necesitan completar una orientación de nuevo, si completaron una orientación en los últimos cuatro términos (1 año)

    3.Registrarse y Pagar por las Clases

    • Las instrucciones de registro y pago se enviarán al correo electrónico que el estudiante tiene con Chemeketa
    • El pago es debido en el momento de registro

    4.Obtener ID de Estudiante

    • Disponible en la recepción en edificio 1 - primer piso
    • Necesitará una identificación y número de ID de estudiante

    5. Asistir a la Primera Clase

    • Horario disponible via my.chemeketa - en "schedule"

    Si tiene preguntas, pase por Yamhill Valley Campus o llame al 503.472.9482

  • ESOL

    The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program offers English Language classes that help students improve their English for work or to transition to college.

    The ESOL classes cover these subjects

    • Reading/Writing
    • Speaking/Listening
    • Computer Technology

    The ESOL program offers classes at these levels–

    • Beginning
    • Intermediate
    • Advanced
    • Transitioning to college

    ESOL Class Information

    Term Dates -

    • Summer Term | June 24 - July 27, 2024

    Class Formats -Classes are being offered in the following formats: in-person and remotely, which are hosted through Zoom. To access remote classes, students must be able to pass a tech skills assessment. Remote classes available:

    • Morning classes - only for students in the intermediate & advanced levels
    • Evening classes - only for students in the advanced level (limited spots available)
      • Students who want to take classes remotely must have a
        computer/laptop/Chromebook with access to a video camera and
        microphone. Phones and tablets will not work for this format.
      • The college library has a limited number of Chromebooks/laptops/hotspots available
        for checkout each term, on a first-come, first-served basis.

    ESOL Program Costs

    • The class fee is $120 per 11 week term (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
    • Summer term fee is $60 for a 5 week long term
    • CASAS testing fee is $25 (one-time fee)
    • Textbooks - not included in class fee

    ESOL Enrollment Process

    1.Complete screening questions

    • How comfortable are you with writing in your native language?
    • How many years of formal education have you finished?

    2.Apply for Admission

    • Takes approximately 5-10 business days to process
    • Be sure to select "I want to learn English" for education goal
    • In-person support available

    3.Attend an Orientation -

    • Call 503.472.9482 to schedule or stop by the campus
    • Returning students do not need to complete an orientation if they completed an orientation within the last three terms (9 months)

    4.Complete CASAS Testing -(Scheduling will occur at the orientation)

    • Students will need to bring a Photo ID
    • Returning students who have not tested in 120+ days will need to complete testing again

    5. Register & Pay for Classes

    • Registration & payment instructions will be sent to the student's email address or a student can register on campus
    • Payment is due at the time of registration

    6.Get a Student ID

    • Available at the Student Services Desk | Building 1 - First Floor
    • You will need an ID & student ID number

    7.Attend the First Class

    • Schedule is available at my.chemeketa – under “schedule”

    If you have further questions, please visit Yamhill Valley Campus or call 503.472.9482

  • Inglés para Hablantes de otras Lenguas - ESOL

    Inglés para Hablantes de otras Lenguas - ESOL

    El programa de inglés para hablantes de otros idiomas (ESOL) ofrece clases de inglés que ayudan a los estudiantes a mejorar su inglés para el trabajo o para la transición a la universidad.

    Las clases de ESOL cubren estos temas:

    • Lectura/Escritura
    • Hablar/Escuchar
    • Tecnología/Computadoras

    El programa de ESOL ofrece clases en estos niveles:

    • Principiante
    • Intermedio
    • Avanzado
    • Transición a la universidad

    Información Sobre las Clases de ESOL

    Fechas de los Término-

    Término de verano | 24 de junio - 27 de julio, 2024

    Formatos de las clases:Las clases se ofrecen en los siguientes formatos: enpersona y de forma remota, que se realizan a través de Zoom. Para acceder a clasesremotas, los estudiantes deben poder pasar una evaluación de habilidadestecnológicas. Las clases remotas disponibles:

    • Clases por la mañana - solo para estudiantes en los niveles intermedio yavanzado
    • Clases por la tarde - solo para estudiantes en el nivel avanzado (espaciolimitado)
      • Los estudiantes que quieran tomar las clases de forma remota deben teneruna computadora, laptop o chromebook con acceso a una cámara de video ymicrófono. Teléfonos y tablets no funcionarán para este formato.
      • La biblioteca de la universidad tiene una cantidad limitada deChromebooks/laptops disponibles para prestar cada trimestre, por ordende llegada.

    Costos del programa ESOL -

    • La matrícula de la clase es de $120 por período de 11 semanas de clase (otoño, invierno y primavera)
    • La matrícula para el termino de verano es de $60 por un período de 5 semanas de clase
    • La tarifa de la prueba de CASAS es de $25 (solo se paga una vez)
    • Libros de texto - no incluidos en la matrícula de la clase

    Proceso de inscripción para el programa de ESOL

    1.Complete las preguntas de selección

    • ¿Se siente cómodo/a escribiendo en su primer idioma?
    • ¿Cuántos años de educación formal a terminado?

    2. Completar la solicitud de admisión-

    • Tarda aproximadamente de 5 - 10 días en procesarse
    • Asegúrese de seleccionar "I want to learn English" para el objetivo educativo
    • Apoyo en persona disponible

    3. Asistir a la Orientación

    • Para programar pase por el campus o llame al 503.472.9482
    • Los estudiantes que ya se presentaron a una orientación, no necesitancompletar una orientación de nuevo, si completaron una orientación en losúltimos tres términos (9 meses)

    4. Completar el Examen de CASAS

    • La programación de la cita ocurrirá durante la orientación
    • Necesitará una identificación para confirmar su identidad

    5. Registrarse y Pagar por las Clases

    • Las instrucciones de registro y pago se enviarán al correo electrónico que el estudiante tiene con Chemeketa o un estudiante puede registrarse en el campus.
    • El pago es debido en el momento de registro y no es reembolsable

    6. Obtener ID de Estudiante

    • Disponible en la recepción en edificio 1 - primer piso
    • Necesitará una identificación y número de ID de estudiante

    7. Asistir a la Primera Clase

    • Horario disponible en my.chemeketa - en "schedule"

    Si tiene preguntas, pase por Yamhill Valley Campus o llame al 503.472.9482

ESOL | Chemeketa Community College (2024)


Can I study ESL online? ›

If you're new to the language, an online ESL class can start with learning the fundamentals of the English language; covering the alphabet, pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and grammar. You'll begin practicing how to read and write in English, and engage in basic conversations with instructors and classmates.

What is the meaning of ESL classes? ›

What Are English Language Programs? English as a Second Language (ESL) programs offer international students the chance to learn English or improve their English language skills.

What courses are free at Cuny? ›

CUNY provides free classes in the following subjects: English as a Second Language (ESOL), Basic Education (BE), and High School Equivalency GED Preparation (HSE/GED). Classes are offered at CUNY's campuses mornings, evenings, and weekends.

What is the tuition for Chemeketa Community College? ›

Is an ESL certificate worth it? ›

Teaching ESL provides a fantastic opportunity for travelers who wish to live and travel abroad while earning money at the same time. 🏫 You'll be more confident in the classroom. TESOL certificates teach you how to teach.

Can I teach ESL without a degree? ›

Yes, you can teach English abroad without a degree. With TEFL Certification you can open up a whole world of job opportunities, from classroom assistance to bona fide English teaching.

Who qualifies for free college in NY? ›

Be pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree. Attend school full time. Earn $125,000 or less (household federal adjusted gross income) Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application.

Can you attend CUNY for free? ›

As long as you have a high school diploma or equivalency, you have a seat in college. We have the credentials you need for the career pathway you choose and can help you access internships and apprenticeships. CUNY is affordable. Most CUNY students qualify to attend tuition-free and graduate debt-free.

Which CUNY school is the cheapest? ›

Brooklyn College is the most affordable college in the nation, according to, which included one of CUNY's leading senior college in top rankings for eight degree programs.

What are the GPA requirements to be eligible for free tuition to Chemeketa Community College? ›

Your cumulative, unweighted GPA must be 3.50 or better as of Quarter 2 (first semester) or first trimester of your final year in high school. If your high school transcript indicates a graduation year other than the current year, provide a letter from your school indicating that you are graduating this year.

How many credits is full-time at Chemeketa Community College? ›

12+ credits

How much does Chemeketa Community College pay? ›

The average Chemeketa Community College salary ranges from approximately $61,229 per year for Faculty to $128,443 per year for Chief Financial Officer.

Do you need a degree to teach ESL online? ›

While it's possible to teach English online and get paid without a bachelor's degree, we recommend you get TEFL certified. Having your TEFL certification can increase your chances of getting a higher-paying teaching job and ultimately prepare you to be a more effective teacher abroad.

Can I learn English language online? ›

With plenty of practice, you can learn English online. You can join one of our courses to learn vocabulary and practice your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. To supplement your learning, you can also read books, watch TV, and listen to music in English.

Can you learn a second language online? ›

Zoom classes can be a great way to learn a language online, especially as a beginner. The massive benefit I've found from taking them isn't in the lectures so much as the practice opportunities.

Is there demand for online ESL teachers? ›

Over the past two years – as the world started to adjust and adapt to the “new normal” created by the pandemic – more and more people have moved their learning online. This change has driven demand for online English teachers but at the same time, there's never been more people looking for online work.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.