20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (2024)

High-converting landing pages require continuous effort, but the definition of a high-converting page can vary across different industries and niches. Landing page examples are also available in abundance but understanding your specific audience, their preferences, and the unique dynamics of your business is essential for creating a landing page that can maximize conversions.

What makes a landing page effective?

Crafting an effective landing page is about blending appealing design and clear content seamlessly. The top-notch ones grab attention with enticing visuals, persuasive text, and a layout that is a breeze to navigate.

Striking images and videos are essential to hook users quickly. Equally crucial is straightforward writing that conveys the page's message and addresses user needs. Balancing captivating visuals with compelling words is the magic formula for a standout landing page.

Yet, it is incomplete without a user-friendly layout. That means a clean, easy-to-follow design with a well-placed call-to-action (CTA). A strategically positioned CTA serves as a roadmap, guiding visitors toward the page's goal effortlessly.

In essence, a successful landing page brings together visuals, writing, and layout to not only capture attention but also deliver a crystal-clear message, guiding visitors smoothly toward the intended action.

Throughout this blog, we'll lead you through a series of landing pages that have adopted effective marketing strategies to improve their conversions. Whether you're an experienced marketer seeking a source of inspiration for your next landing page, or a newcomer to the world of landing page marketing, our analysis of these real-world landing pages will deliver valuable insights, practical suggestions, and a renewed spark of imagination

The best landing page examples for 2024

  1. Bio Link ( Lead Generation - SaaS)

  2. Masterclass (Clickthrough - E-Learning)

  3. Educative (Seasonal - Education)

  4. Inkky Creative Agency ( Lead Generation - Agency)

  5. Tether (Product - Technology)

  6. Pimjo Labs ( Black Friday - SaaS)

  7. Future London Academy (Webinar - E-Learning)

  8. Motionapp.com ( Subscription - SaaS)

  9. Notion ( Product - SaaS)

  10. Product Design Portfolio (Coming Soon - E-Book)

  11. EvolveMe ( Click-through - E-Learning)

  12. Canva ( Signup - SaaS)

  13. Turtle Talent (Click-through - Service)

  14. Blok Watches (Ecommerce - Retail)

  15. San Francisco Tech Week ( Lead Generation - Event)

  16. Exactly.ai (Signup - SaaS)

Daily Harvest: Food & beverages landing page

In the food and beverage industry, landing pages usually have a goal of attracting users with product visuals to convert them into customers. Daily Harvest, known for delivering meals made from fresh fruits and vegetables, has created an appealing landing page that showcases their offerings, making them hard to resist for potential customers.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (1)

What makes it effective?

  • High-qualityrelevant images can play a pivotal role in enhancing landing page engagement and conversions. This landing page stands out by prominently featuring its own products in images, minimizing reliance on generic stock visuals, and reinforces the brand authenticity.

  • The step-by-stepprocess serves as an effective means to help landing page visitors understand how the business works and provides reassurance that it is not overly complicated.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Bio Link: SaaS landing page

The landing page for this SaaS product, which offers users the capability to create visually appealing bio links, showcases a clever and well-aligned design that resonates effectively with its target audience.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (2)

What makes it effective?

  • This landing page's hero section is concise and creative, with the primary focus on the call to action. The headline is straightforward and benefit-driven, free of unnecessary complexity. Displaying the number of users right in the hero section also acts as social proof to encourage signups.

Masterclass - E-learning landing page

Masterclass stands out as an e-learning platform that goes beyond the conventional approach of simply listing courses on its landing page. Instead, it strives to provide a personalized landing page experience for each user.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (3)

What makes it effective?

  • The hero section of this landing page takes an innovative approach by presenting a poll that aims to understand the learner's interests even before they explore the rest of the page. Depending on the user's response, they are directed to a personalized listing page featuring courses tailored to their specific interests.

  • In addition to this, the landing page provides a curated selection of top courses for users who may not have a specific intent. This helps users figure out their interests and courses that align with them.

  • The landing page also incorporates anFAQ section to address common inquiries, and a testimonials section to showcase positive experiences and endorsem*nts from previous users.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Educative: New year offer landing page

New year offer landing pages, such as this one created by Educative, promote and highlight exclusive deals, discounts, or promotions that coincide with the New Year celebration.These pages play a crucial role in capturing the attention of potential customers during this festive period and encourages them to take advantage of limited-time offers.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (4)

What makes it effective?

  • The landing page strategically positions the pricing table in the hero section to address the concerns of the user. This is because those who click on the New Year offer ad in their search engine are often looking to quickly access pricing information without navigating through unnecessary content on the page.

  • Similar to many e-learning platforms, this landing page dedicates a significant portion to testimonials and customer logos. This approach is essential to establish trust with new users, showcasing real experiences and the credibility of the platform.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

MyFitnessPal: Application landing page

Fitness and nutrition application landing pages often rely heavily on showcasing their user interface and features to entice customers to try their product. MyFitnessPal is no exception to this trend. These landing pages typically highlight the app's functionalities, user-friendly design, and the benefits to engage and convert visitors into users.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (5)

What makes it effective?

  • A classic headline paired with a compelling call-to-action button and an accompanying image remains effective for several reasons.It's simple and familiar. With high-quality, relevant images and a strong features section, you have a winning landing page like this without having to reinvent the wheel.

  • Including a step-by-step process for new users to get familiar with your application like they did in this landing page is a great way to turn landing page visitors into app users.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Inkyy Creative Agency: Agency landing page

Creative agencies frequently create landing pages for their clients, but they also leverage landing page marketing for their own sales and marketing efforts to attract and retain a steady stream of clients. These pages are a way to demonstrate their innovative capabilities, visually engaging visitors and conveying their unique value propositions effectively.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (6)

What makes it effective?

  • Humanizing a business can be a challenging task when creating a landing page, as businesses often appear as a collection of services and features to visitors. However, this agency takes a different approach by showcasing the faces and personalities behind the business.

  • The page also includes a list of services, testimonials from clients, and their membership plans to help users make a decision quickly.

  • The call-to-action button with the text "Schedule a Meeting" is also contextually appropriate here because in businesses such as agencies and consultancies, landing page visitors are rarely ready to make a purchase directly.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage -the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Tether Bike Safety Devices: Product landing page

A product landing page offers comprehensive information about a product, including its features and benefits, with the primary aim of persuading potential customers to make a purchase. In the case of this product landing page for bike safety devices, it provides details about the product's features and encourages visitors to make a purchase decision.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (7)

What makes it effective?

  • Video landing pages are a powerful tool in landing page marketing, and they offer several key benefits such as visual engagement and product demonstration. Videos in the landing page header also help you stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on visitors.

  • All product landing pages must have a features or step-by-step explanation of how it works to make users understand your value proposition. Keeping the steps brief or bite-sized also helps users understand the product just by skimming the landing page.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Pimjo Labs - Black Friday landing page

Pimjo Labs, known for its diverse product suite, has designed a special seasonal landing page as part of its Black Friday campaign. The primary objective of this landing page is to drive an increase in subscriptions by attracting visitors with exclusive offers and incentives during the Black Friday sale period.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (8)

What makes it effective?

  • Black Friday landing pages are synonymous with limited-time offers and countdown timers, which we can see implemented in this landing page. Countdown timers create a sense of urgency and motivate users to make a purchase decision quickly.

  • Black Friday landing pages are also best kept short because if the landing page requires too many scrolls, most users may not scroll down to the end. When users click on your Black Friday ad, they want to immediately get the deal that was promised not scroll through irrelevant offers. Hence, it's best to deliver the offer in the landing page header.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Future London Academy: Webinar landing page

Webinar landing pages are dedicated web pages designed to promote and provide information about a specific webinar or online event. They serve as a central hub for potential attendees to learn about the webinar's content, speakers, date, time, and registration details. This landing page from Future London Academy offers a collection of on-demand webinars to users.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (9)

What makes it effective?

  • The landing page has been crafted with a straightforward approach, providing comprehensive details about the five webinars available for users to choose from.

  • To enhance the user experience and ease navigation, each webinar is paired with corresponding call-to-action (CTA) buttons, ensuring users can effortlessly access their preferred video content.

  • What sets this landing page apart is its unique design, which draws inspiration from retro video games. This creative choice perfectly resonates with the interests and preferences of the intended audience: aspiring design leaders.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Motionapp.com: Newsletter subscription landing page

Newsletters are a great way to build your lead base, but getting subscriptions requires a little more effort. Motion, which is a productivity tool, offers a newsletter called Thumbstop that caters to people from various industries. In the short yet effective newsletter subscription landing page, they have used various strategies that make their landing page powerful.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (10)

What makes it effective?

  • This newsletter subscription landing page takes a different approach from the typical hype-filled marketing tactics you often encounter. There's no exaggeration or tall claims. Instead, it's a refreshingly honest and straightforward weekly newsletter that talks about the nuances of creative strategy.

  • The subscription form is minimal with essential details provided above and below it. Above the form, you'll find information about the newsletter's frequency and a clear description of its content. Below the form, you'll see social proof in the form of the number of subscribers who have found value in this newsletter.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Notion: SaaS landing page

SaaS landing pages should seamlessly blend with the product's interface, ensuring that when users click on the landing page's call-to-action (CTA) to try the product, the transition is smooth and cohesive. Notion's landing page serves as an excellent example of this approach, where its black and white design closely resembles the user's experience within the Notion dashboard.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (11)

What makes it effective?

  • With AI being the technology buzz word for 2024, Notion has strategically placed AI front and center in the hero section of its landing page. This section also offers a glimpse of the interface and highlights the top AI-driven features.

  • Additionally, the landing page prominently features testimonials and social proof, including customer logos, user numbers, and client endorsem*nts to build trust with potential users.

  • Notion also employs a well-structured and comprehensive feature section that serves to showcase the product's strengths and helps with SEO. This detailed section is organized by features, use cases, and teams to break down the product's offerings into meticulous detail for users.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage -the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Product Design Portfolio: E-book landing page

A "Coming Soon" page for your e-book is a powerful tool to capture valuable leads through signups, establish author credibility, and create pre-launch buzz on social media. This landing page by author Fedor Shkliarau for his upcoming book Product Design Portfolio also aims to promote and create interest about the book before the release.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (12)

What makes it effective?

  • This landing page adopts a minimalistic design with a no-frills form, focusing on essential information without any unnecessary distractions. To optimize lead capturing, the same call-to-action (CTA) is strategically placed at both the beginning and end of the page, providing users with multiple opportunities to engage.

  • The book's unique selling proposition (USP) is effectively conveyed through a conversational section written in the author's voice to create a connection with the users.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

American Student Assistance: E-learning landing page

Online course landing pages are created to market and offer online courses or e-learning programs. They serve as a vital tool in attracting potential students and parents. In the case of EvolveMe's landing page, the primary audience comprises children and their parents, making it especially important to tailor the content and design to resonate with this specific demographic.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (13)

What makes it effective?

  • Animated illustrations are featured prominently on this landing page, a strategic choice given that the course is designed for children. These engaging visuals help create an interactive and appealing environment for young learners.

  • Additionally, the landing page includes a dedicated section that outlines the steps involved in the online course, providing clarity for both children and their parents on how the course will work.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Super Coffee: Christmas landing page

Christmas landing pages are designed to promote holiday-themed products, offers, and services during the Christmas season. In the food industry, they can be used to showcase festive menu items, holiday discounts, and festive recipes. In this seasonal landing page by Super Coffee, the holiday theme is thoughtfully integrated to create a festive atmosphere for customers.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (14)

What makes it effective?

  • The Christmas-themed hero section with its whimsical headline and the product images, which are also Christmas themed, rightly captures the essence of the holiday season.

  • Recognizing that some customers may prefer the convenience of online shopping while others may enjoy the in-store experience, the page features a thoughtful array of calls-to-action (CTAs). These CTAs help guide visitors to their preferred method of purchase.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Canva: SaaS landing page

SaaS landing pages are designed to capture the attention of potential customers and effectively communicate the value and functionality of a software product. Canva's landing page does a great job of conveying the product's value in a compelling way without resorting to aggressive sales tactics.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (15)

What makes it effective?

  • An interactive landing pagewill always one-up every other type of landing page. The question headline with an action-oriented CTA also works well for new users who seem to be the target of this landing page.

  • The hero section also showcases all the different use cases of Canva such as presentations, social media designs, videos, and print designs to give users a glimpse of the vast range of features in the product. This also acts as a solid feature section that displays the value users can gain.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Turtle Talent: Service landing page

A service landing page helps promote a particular service offered by a business or organization. These pages are instrumental in helping businesses showcase their services, attract potential clients, and convert landing page visitors into customers. The Turtle Talent landing page offers a glimpse into the range of services they provide and offers insights into their clientele.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (16)

What makes it effective?

  • In the hero section, Turtle Talent effectively communicates their unique selling proposition (USP), which revolves around their expertise in assisting companies in building exceptional design teams.

  • As visitors scroll down the page, they'll find comprehensive explanations of their various services. Additionally, Turtle Talent provides a clear breakdown of how their services work, offering valuable insights into their process and approach.

  • As with most service landing pages, this particular page includes the logos of their satisfied customers and testimonials from previous clients to establish trust and credibility with visitors.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Apostrophe: Health & wellness landing page

Health and wellness landing pages are used by healthcare providers, fitness centers, or wellness coaches to engage and convert visitors who are interested in improving their physical or mental health. Apostrophe's landing page also effectively communicates the value of the offered services, establishes trust, and encourages visitors to take action to improve their health and well-being.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (17)

What makes it effective?

  • Apostrophe's landing page offers a comprehensive overview of their skin care treatments and products, providing in-depth information to visitors. Moreover, including patient testimonialsenhances the brand's credibility and helps potential clients make informed decisions about their skin care needs.

  • Multiple CTAs on a landing page cater to different user needs and preferences, reducing friction and boosting conversions.This approach ensures a user-friendly experience and maximizes the landing page's effectiveness.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

Blok Watches: Ecommerce landing page

Ecommerce landing pages are used by online retailers to spotlight specific products or emphasize special offers. Their primary mission is conversion-focused marketing strategies, directing users to make a purchase or engage with a particular promotional sale. Blok's landing page for kids watches showcases their entire collection allowing customers to explore their offerings easily.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (18)

What makes it effective?

  • A compelling visual presentation of product images on this landing page plays a pivotal role in assisting potential buyers in making well-informed purchasing decisions.

  • Direct "Add to Cart" buttons further enhance the shopping experience by reducing friction, allowing users to seamlessly and quickly add desired products to their cart for a smoother checkout process.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success :https://zurl.co/VeJD

San Francisco Tech Week: Event landing page

Event landing pages are created for physical events, webinars, conferences, workshops, or virtual experiences to market and manage them effectively. On this landing page for an upcoming event, San Francisco Tech Week, the organizers provide all the information required for people who want to register and attendees who already did.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (19)

What makes it effective?

  • Placing critical event details like dates and location prominently in the hero section of the landing page ensures visitors receive essential information right away.

  • The detailed event description allows potential attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the event's objectives and what they can expect to gain from participating.

  • A well-structured FAQ section addresses common questions and concerns, reducing friction and enhancing the user experience by providing clarity and relevant information.

    Insipired to create? Start building your own landing page. Get your 15-day free trial for Zoho LandingPage - the no-code builder for your online success : https://zurl.co/VeJD

Exactly.ai: SaaS landing page

SaaS landing pages often have a primary objective of getting new users to try their product. The Exactly.ai landing page, like many others in the SaaS industry, is designed with several key elements to achieve this objective.

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (20)

What makes it effective?

  • The simple, straightforward headline "AI for Artists" directly communicates the value proposition. Using language that avoids technical jargon makes this landing page appealing to a broad audience, including those who may not be deeply familiar with the tech industry.

  • The call-to-action button stands out prominently against the clean and uncluttered background, making it highly clickable. The text of the CTA also emphasizes that users get a free trial of the product.

  • The landing page also showcases the product in action with videos to introduce the user interface and key features.

When it comes to crafting effective landing pages, these examples provide just a glimpse of what's possible in the realm of landing page marketing. Use them as a source of inspiration and begin creating your own outstanding landing pages with Zoho LandingPage. Start your 15 day free trial today :https://zurl.co/VeJD

20 Good Landing Page Examples from 2023 to Spark Your Creativity in 2024 | Zoho LandingPage (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.